Download einer Datei durch SFTP mit Java


Bekanntes Mitglied

ich programmiere gerade eine Schnittstelle, die eine Datei von einem Server via SFTP herunterladen soll.
Die Schnittstelle programmiere ich mit der com.trilead.ssh2-Lib. Ich baue eine erfolreiche Verbindung zum Server auf. Allerdings happerts dann am Download der Datei.

Dort schmeißt er mir folgendes:

Starting download.... Error during SCP transfer.
at XXX(
at XXX.SCPClient.get(
at XXX.SFTProcessor.initDownload(
at XXX.XXX.<init>(
at XXX.main(
Caused by: Remote scp terminated unexpectedly.
at XXX.SCPClient.receiveFiles(
at XXX.SCPClient.get(
... 4 more
An error has occured while dowloading:
An error has occured while dowloading: Error during SCP transfer.

Kennt sich jemand damit aus? :rtfm:


Zuletzt bearbeitet:


Top Contributor
Schonmal mit nem anderen SFTP-Client versucht (außerhalb von Java)? Sicher dass es SFTP ist und nicht FTPS? Welcher Server (Software) wird denn verwendet?


Bekanntes Mitglied
Ich habe es schon mit Filezilla probiert, klappt alles wunderbar. Bei Filezilla muss ich ja sftp:// davor schreiben.

Hier ein paar Codebeispiele...

public class SFTProcessor {
	SSHConnection sshCon = new SSHConnection();
	private boolean downloadError = false;

	public void initDownload() {

        String strDirName = "C:\\Downloads";

    	SSHClient sshClient = new SSHClient();
        sshClient.executeSSHcommand(sshCon.getSession(), "cd Verzeichniss; ls;");
        SCPClient scpClient = new SCPClient(sshCon.getConnection());

        try {
            System.out.println("Starting download....");
            try {
                scpClient.get("Dateiname", strDirName);
            }catch(IllegalArgumentException e) {
                System.out.println("Nothing to download ?!");
                System.out.println("Nothing to download ?! "+e.getMessage()+"\r\n");
            System.out.println("Download finished !");
        } catch (IOException e) {
            downloadError = true;
            System.out.println("An error has occured while dowloading: ");
            System.out.println("An error has occured while dowloading: "+e.getMessage()+"\r\n");

//        if (sshClient.getErrorMessages().length() > 0) {
//            downloadError = true;
//            System.out.println("ErrorMessage from RemoteConsole: ");
//            System.out.println("ErrorMessage from RemoteConsole: ");
//        }



Jetzt kommt der Standart von trilead. der SCPClient

 * A very basic <code>SCPClient</code> that can be used to copy files from/to
 * the SSH-2 server. On the server side, the "scp" program must be in the PATH.
 * <p>
 * This scp client is thread safe - you can download (and upload) different sets
 * of files concurrently without any troubles. The <code>SCPClient</code> is
 * actually mapping every request to a distinct {@link Session}.
 * @author Christian Plattner, [email][/email]
 * @version $Id:,v 1.2 2008/04/01 12:38:09 cplattne Exp $

public class SCPClient
	Connection conn;

	class LenNamePair
		long length;
		String filename;

	public SCPClient(Connection conn)
		if (conn == null)
			throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot accept null argument!");
		this.conn = conn;

	private void readResponse(InputStream is) throws IOException
		int c =;

		if (c == 0)

		if (c == -1)
			throw new IOException("Remote scp terminated unexpectedly.");

		if ((c != 1) && (c != 2))
			throw new IOException("Remote scp sent illegal error code.");

		if (c == 2)
			throw new IOException("Remote scp terminated with error.");

		String err = receiveLine(is);
		throw new IOException("Remote scp terminated with error (" + err + ").");

	private String receiveLine(InputStream is) throws IOException
		StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(30);

		while (true)
			 * This is a random limit - if your path names are longer, then
			 * adjust it

			if (sb.length() > 8192)
				throw new IOException("Remote scp sent a too long line");

			int c =;

			if (c < 0)
				throw new IOException("Remote scp terminated unexpectedly.");

			if (c == '\n')

			sb.append((char) c);

		return sb.toString();

	private LenNamePair parseCLine(String line) throws IOException
		/* Minimum line: "xxxx y z" ---> 8 chars */

		long len;

		if (line.length() < 8)
			throw new IOException("Malformed C line sent by remote SCP binary, line too short.");

		if ((line.charAt(4) != ' ') || (line.charAt(5) == ' '))
			throw new IOException("Malformed C line sent by remote SCP binary.");

		int length_name_sep = line.indexOf(' ', 5);

		if (length_name_sep == -1)
			throw new IOException("Malformed C line sent by remote SCP binary.");

		String length_substring = line.substring(5, length_name_sep);
		String name_substring = line.substring(length_name_sep + 1);

		if ((length_substring.length() <= 0) || (name_substring.length() <= 0))
			throw new IOException("Malformed C line sent by remote SCP binary.");

		if ((6 + length_substring.length() + name_substring.length()) != line.length())
			throw new IOException("Malformed C line sent by remote SCP binary.");

			len = Long.parseLong(length_substring);
		catch (NumberFormatException e)
			throw new IOException("Malformed C line sent by remote SCP binary, cannot parse file length.");

		if (len < 0)
			throw new IOException("Malformed C line sent by remote SCP binary, illegal file length.");

		LenNamePair lnp = new LenNamePair();
		lnp.length = len;
		lnp.filename = name_substring;

		return lnp;

	private void sendBytes(Session sess, byte[] data, String fileName, String mode) throws IOException
		OutputStream os = sess.getStdin();
		InputStream is = new BufferedInputStream(sess.getStdout(), 512);


		String cline = "C" + mode + " " + data.length + " " + fileName + "\n";



		os.write(data, 0, data.length);



	private void sendFiles(Session sess, String[] files, String[] remoteFiles, String mode) throws IOException
		byte[] buffer = new byte[8192];

		OutputStream os = new BufferedOutputStream(sess.getStdin(), 40000);
		InputStream is = new BufferedInputStream(sess.getStdout(), 512);


		for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++)
			File f = new File(files[i]);
			long remain = f.length();

			String remoteName;

			if ((remoteFiles != null) && (remoteFiles.length > i) && (remoteFiles[i] != null))
				remoteName = remoteFiles[i];
				remoteName = f.getName();

			String cline = "C" + mode + " " + remain + " " + remoteName + "\n";



			FileInputStream fis = null;

				fis = new FileInputStream(f);

				while (remain > 0)
					int trans;
					if (remain > buffer.length)
						trans = buffer.length;
						trans = (int) remain;

					if (, 0, trans) != trans)
						throw new IOException("Cannot read enough from local file " + files[i]);

					os.write(buffer, 0, trans);

					remain -= trans;
				if (fis != null)




	private void receiveFiles(Session sess, OutputStream[] targets) throws IOException
		byte[] buffer = new byte[8192];

		OutputStream os = new BufferedOutputStream(sess.getStdin(), 512);
		InputStream is = new BufferedInputStream(sess.getStdout(), 40000);


		for (int i = 0; i < targets.length; i++)
			LenNamePair lnp = null;

			while (true)
				int c =;
				if (c < 0)
					throw new IOException("Remote scp terminated unexpectedly.");

				String line = receiveLine(is);

				if (c == 'T')
					/* Ignore modification times */


				if ((c == 1) || (c == 2))
					throw new IOException("Remote SCP error: " + line);

				if (c == 'C')
					lnp = parseCLine(line);

				throw new IOException("Remote SCP error: " + ((char) c) + line);


			long remain = lnp.length;

			while (remain > 0)
				int trans;
				if (remain > buffer.length)
					trans = buffer.length;
					trans = (int) remain;

				int this_time_received =, 0, trans);

				if (this_time_received < 0)
					throw new IOException("Remote scp terminated connection unexpectedly");

				targets[i].write(buffer, 0, this_time_received);

				remain -= this_time_received;



	private void receiveFiles(Session sess, String[] files, String target) throws IOException
		byte[] buffer = new byte[8192];

		OutputStream os = new BufferedOutputStream(sess.getStdin(), 512);
		InputStream is = new BufferedInputStream(sess.getStdout(), 40000);


		for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++)
			LenNamePair lnp = null;

			while (true)
				int c =;
				if (c < 0)
					throw new IOException("Remote scp terminated unexpectedly.");

				String line = receiveLine(is);

				if (c == 'T')
					/* Ignore modification times */


				if ((c == 1) || (c == 2))
					throw new IOException("Remote SCP error: " + line);

				if (c == 'C')
					lnp = parseCLine(line);

				throw new IOException("Remote SCP error: " + ((char) c) + line);


			File f = new File(target + File.separatorChar + lnp.filename);
			FileOutputStream fop = null;

				fop = new FileOutputStream(f);

				long remain = lnp.length;

				while (remain > 0)
					int trans;
					if (remain > buffer.length)
						trans = buffer.length;
						trans = (int) remain;

					int this_time_received =, 0, trans);

					if (this_time_received < 0)
						throw new IOException("Remote scp terminated connection unexpectedly");

					fop.write(buffer, 0, this_time_received);

					remain -= this_time_received;
				if (fop != null)



	 * Copy a local file to a remote directory, uses mode 0600 when creating the
	 * file on the remote side.
	 * @param localFile
	 *            Path and name of local file.
	 * @param remoteTargetDirectory
	 *            Remote target directory. Use an empty string to specify the
	 *            default directory.
	 * @throws IOException
	public void put(String localFile, String remoteTargetDirectory) throws IOException
		put(new String[] { localFile }, remoteTargetDirectory, "0600");

	 * Copy a set of local files to a remote directory, uses mode 0600 when
	 * creating files on the remote side.
	 * @param localFiles
	 *            Paths and names of local file names.
	 * @param remoteTargetDirectory
	 *            Remote target directory. Use an empty string to specify the
	 *            default directory.
	 * @throws IOException

	public void put(String[] localFiles, String remoteTargetDirectory) throws IOException
		put(localFiles, remoteTargetDirectory, "0600");

	 * Copy a local file to a remote directory, uses the specified mode when
	 * creating the file on the remote side.
	 * @param localFile
	 *            Path and name of local file.
	 * @param remoteTargetDirectory
	 *            Remote target directory. Use an empty string to specify the
	 *            default directory.
	 * @param mode
	 *            a four digit string (e.g., 0644, see "man chmod", "man open")
	 * @throws IOException
	public void put(String localFile, String remoteTargetDirectory, String mode) throws IOException
		put(new String[] { localFile }, remoteTargetDirectory, mode);

	 * Copy a local file to a remote directory, uses the specified mode and
	 * remote filename when creating the file on the remote side.
	 * @param localFile
	 *            Path and name of local file.
	 * @param remoteFileName
	 *            The name of the file which will be created in the remote
	 *            target directory.
	 * @param remoteTargetDirectory
	 *            Remote target directory. Use an empty string to specify the
	 *            default directory.
	 * @param mode
	 *            a four digit string (e.g., 0644, see "man chmod", "man open")
	 * @throws IOException
	public void put(String localFile, String remoteFileName, String remoteTargetDirectory, String mode)
			throws IOException
		put(new String[] { localFile }, new String[] { remoteFileName }, remoteTargetDirectory, mode);

	 * Create a remote file and copy the contents of the passed byte array into
	 * it. Uses mode 0600 for creating the remote file.
	 * @param data
	 *            the data to be copied into the remote file.
	 * @param remoteFileName
	 *            The name of the file which will be created in the remote
	 *            target directory.
	 * @param remoteTargetDirectory
	 *            Remote target directory. Use an empty string to specify the
	 *            default directory.
	 * @throws IOException

	public void put(byte[] data, String remoteFileName, String remoteTargetDirectory) throws IOException
		put(data, remoteFileName, remoteTargetDirectory, "0600");

	 * Create a remote file and copy the contents of the passed byte array into
	 * it. The method use the specified mode when creating the file on the
	 * remote side.
	 * @param data
	 *            the data to be copied into the remote file.
	 * @param remoteFileName
	 *            The name of the file which will be created in the remote
	 *            target directory.
	 * @param remoteTargetDirectory
	 *            Remote target directory. Use an empty string to specify the
	 *            default directory.
	 * @param mode
	 *            a four digit string (e.g., 0644, see "man chmod", "man open")
	 * @throws IOException
	public void put(byte[] data, String remoteFileName, String remoteTargetDirectory, String mode) throws IOException
		Session sess = null;

		if ((remoteFileName == null) || (remoteTargetDirectory == null) || (mode == null))
			throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null argument.");

		if (mode.length() != 4)
			throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid mode.");

		for (int i = 0; i < mode.length(); i++)
			if (Character.isDigit(mode.charAt(i)) == false)
				throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid mode.");

		remoteTargetDirectory = remoteTargetDirectory.trim();
		remoteTargetDirectory = (remoteTargetDirectory.length() > 0) ? remoteTargetDirectory : ".";

		String cmd = "scp -t -d " + remoteTargetDirectory;

			sess = conn.openSession();
			sendBytes(sess, data, remoteFileName, mode);
		catch (IOException e)
			throw (IOException) new IOException("Error during SCP transfer.").initCause(e);
			if (sess != null)

	 * Copy a set of local files to a remote directory, uses the specified mode
	 * when creating the files on the remote side.
	 * @param localFiles
	 *            Paths and names of the local files.
	 * @param remoteTargetDirectory
	 *            Remote target directory. Use an empty string to specify the
	 *            default directory.
	 * @param mode
	 *            a four digit string (e.g., 0644, see "man chmod", "man open")
	 * @throws IOException
	public void put(String[] localFiles, String remoteTargetDirectory, String mode) throws IOException
		put(localFiles, null, remoteTargetDirectory, mode);

	public void put(String[] localFiles, String[] remoteFiles, String remoteTargetDirectory, String mode)
			throws IOException
		Session sess = null;

		 * remoteFiles may be null, indicating that the local filenames shall be
		 * used

		if ((localFiles == null) || (remoteTargetDirectory == null) || (mode == null))
			throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null argument.");

		if (mode.length() != 4)
			throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid mode.");

		for (int i = 0; i < mode.length(); i++)
			if (Character.isDigit(mode.charAt(i)) == false)
				throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid mode.");

		if (localFiles.length == 0)

		remoteTargetDirectory = remoteTargetDirectory.trim();
		remoteTargetDirectory = (remoteTargetDirectory.length() > 0) ? remoteTargetDirectory : ".";

		String cmd = "scp -t -d " + remoteTargetDirectory;

		for (int i = 0; i < localFiles.length; i++)
			if (localFiles[i] == null)
				throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot accept null filename.");

			sess = conn.openSession();
			sendFiles(sess, localFiles, remoteFiles, mode);
		catch (IOException e)
			throw (IOException) new IOException("Error during SCP transfer.").initCause(e);
			if (sess != null)

	 * Download a file from the remote server to a local directory.
	 * @param remoteFile
	 *            Path and name of the remote file.
	 * @param localTargetDirectory
	 *            Local directory to put the downloaded file.
	 * @throws IOException
	public void get(String remoteFile, String localTargetDirectory) throws IOException
		get(new String[] { remoteFile }, localTargetDirectory);

	 * Download a file from the remote server and pipe its contents into an
	 * <code>OutputStream</code>. Please note that, to enable flexible usage
	 * of this method, the <code>OutputStream</code> will not be closed nor
	 * flushed.
	 * @param remoteFile
	 *            Path and name of the remote file.
	 * @param target
	 *            OutputStream where the contents of the file will be sent to.
	 * @throws IOException
	public void get(String remoteFile, OutputStream target) throws IOException
		get(new String[] { remoteFile }, new OutputStream[] { target });

	private void get(String remoteFiles[], OutputStream[] targets) throws IOException
		Session sess = null;

		if ((remoteFiles == null) || (targets == null))
			throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null argument.");

		if (remoteFiles.length != targets.length)
			throw new IllegalArgumentException("Length of arguments does not match.");

		if (remoteFiles.length == 0)

		String cmd = "scp -f";

		for (int i = 0; i < remoteFiles.length; i++)
			if (remoteFiles[i] == null)
				throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot accept null filename.");

			String tmp = remoteFiles[i].trim();

			if (tmp.length() == 0)
				throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot accept empty filename.");

			cmd += (" " + tmp);

			sess = conn.openSession();
			receiveFiles(sess, targets);
		catch (IOException e)
			throw (IOException) new IOException("Error during SCP transfer.").initCause(e);
			if (sess != null)

	 * Download a set of files from the remote server to a local directory.
	 * @param remoteFiles
	 *            Paths and names of the remote files.
	 * @param localTargetDirectory
	 *            Local directory to put the downloaded files.
	 * @throws IOException
	public void get(String remoteFiles[], String localTargetDirectory) throws IOException
		Session sess = null;

		if ((remoteFiles == null) || (localTargetDirectory == null))
			throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null argument.");

		if (remoteFiles.length == 0)

		String cmd = "scp -f";

		for (int i = 0; i < remoteFiles.length; i++)
			if (remoteFiles[i] == null)
				throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot accept null filename.");

			String tmp = remoteFiles[i].trim();

			if (tmp.length() == 0)
				throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot accept empty filename.");

			cmd += (" " + tmp);

			sess = conn.openSession();
			receiveFiles(sess, remoteFiles, localTargetDirectory);
		catch (IOException e)
			throw (IOException) new IOException("Error during SCP transfer.").initCause(e);
			if (sess != null)

Und hier kommt die Klasse, die die Verbindungen aufbaut...

public class SSHConnection {
	private String host = "";
	private String user = "";
	private String password = "";
	private Connection connection;
	private Session session;
	boolean isAuthenticated = false;

	public void initSSH() {
	 * Funktion disconnectFromFTP
	 * Diese Funktion beendet die Verbindung zum FTP-Server.
	public void disconnect(){
		try {
			if(connection != null)
			System.out.print("INFO: SSH-Connection successfully disconnected.");
		} catch (Exception e) {
			System.out.println("FEHLER: Probleme beim disconnect");
	public void initConnection() {
		try {
			System.out.println("INFO: SSH Starting Connection");
			connection = new Connection(host);
			System.out.println("INFO: SSH-Connected");
		} catch (IOException e) {
			System.err.println("FEHLER: SSH-Connection failed");
	public void authenticate(){
		try {
			connection.authenticateWithPassword(user, password);
			isAuthenticated = true;
			System.out.println("INFO: Authentication successfull");
		} catch (IOException e) {
			System.err.println("FEHLER: SSH-Authentication failed");
	public void createsession(){
		try {
			System.out.println("INFO: Opening a SSH-Session");
			session = connection.openSession();
			System.out.println("INFO: SSH-Session successfully open");
		} catch (IOException e) {
			System.err.println("FEHLER: SSH-Session failed");
    public Connection getConnection() {
        return connection;

    public boolean isAuthenticated() {
		return isAuthenticated;

    public Session getSession() {
        return session;


Top Contributor
Sicher dass die Datei in dem Verzeichnis liegt, auf das der SCPClient zugreift? Mal mit dem absoluten Pfad probiert?
Ansonsten fällt mir grad noch das "Caused by: Remote scp terminated unexpectedly." auf. Mal in die Logdatei auf dem Server geschaut?


Bekanntes Mitglied
Die Datei liegt Dort.

Und in den Logdateien steht auch nix, was interessant sein könnte. :-(
Ich denke es muss mit dem sourcecode was sein.. Allerdings weiß ich nicht, wo und was!


Bekanntes Mitglied
Hast du schonmal nach der Stelle mit dem
SCPClient scpClient = new SCPClient(sshCon.getConnection());
geschaut, ob du überhaupt mit dem Server verbunden bist?


Bekanntes Mitglied
bin durch
verbunden. Dieses gibt er mir auch auf der Konsole aus.
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F Entwicklung einer Software zur Steuerung und Überwachung von Netzwerkgeräten Netzwerkprogrammierung 4
R Versenden einer MIME-Datei per E-Mail [solved] Netzwerkprogrammierung 5
C Problem mit Übertragung einer Klasse in RMI Netzwerkprogrammierung 10
Pithecanthropus Konzeptionelle Ausarbeitung einer synchronen Kommunkation (Server/Client)) Netzwerkprogrammierung 6
A attachment einer Mail speichern Netzwerkprogrammierung 5
C Dateigröße einer Datei im Internet ermitteln Netzwerkprogrammierung 2
J programm zum autom. ausdruck einer webseite Netzwerkprogrammierung 2
E Parameter einer URLConnection Netzwerkprogrammierung 12
G Unvollständiges Laden einer Seite Netzwerkprogrammierung 2
M Rechner einer Domäne auslesen? Netzwerkprogrammierung 3
KNeuhaus (Windows) Authentication VON einer Java-App aus. Netzwerkprogrammierung 2
Rontu Problem beim Übertragen einer Datei Netzwerkprogrammierung 9
D Content einer email in sql-datenbank speichern Netzwerkprogrammierung 9
M RMI direkte Verbindung mit einer Mysql datenbank Netzwerkprogrammierung 13
T Quelltext einer Website auslesen Netzwerkprogrammierung 3
ven000m Frage aus einer mündl. Prüfung - wer kennt die Antwort? Netzwerkprogrammierung 6
J Funktion zum Maskieren der Sonderzeichen einer URL Netzwerkprogrammierung 2
J Zeilenweises auslesen aus einer Datei über Server Netzwerkprogrammierung 6
C RMI: Problem beim Aufruf einer Methode. Falsch gecastet? Netzwerkprogrammierung 8
D Problem beim holen einer PHP-Seite via HttpClient Netzwerkprogrammierung 19
C IP adresse anhand einer domain adresse auslesen / ermitteln Netzwerkprogrammierung 3
V Einen Eintrag aus einer Zip Datei von einem Server laden Netzwerkprogrammierung 2
N Dateigröße einer Datei auf einem HTTP-/Web-Server. Netzwerkprogrammierung 9
V Zuweisen einer InetAddress mit einem byte Netzwerkprogrammierung 5

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