MyID3 Problem bei Objekterzeugung


Bekanntes Mitglied

ich versuche mp3Tags auszulesen.
Hierzu experimentiere ich mit der Bibliothek MyID3.jar.

In der Zeile MusicMetadataSet myXXX=new MyID3().read(file);
wird dauernd eine ClassNotFoundException geworfen.

Ich habe langsam keine Idee mehr woran das liegen kann :-(

publicclass ID3Lib_Test
  privatefinal String myFilepath="D:\\Test_mp3_Tag\\01 Ich + Dany.mp3";
  public ID3Lib_Test()
  File file=new File(myFilepath);
  if (!file.exists())
  if (!file.isFile())
   if (!file.getName().toLowerCase().endsWith(".mp3"))
   MusicMetadataSet myXXX=new MyID3().read(file);
   catch (IOException e)
   // TODO Auto-generated catch block
  catch (ID3ReadException e)
   // TODO Auto-generated catch block

Kann mir jemand ein Tip geben?
Gruss Hein_nieH
Zuletzt bearbeitet:


Bekanntes Mitglied
Hallo, bin echt am Verzweifeln.
Vielleicht hat jemand den entscheidenen Hinweis.
mit jid3lib habe ich es aufgegeben, da beim auslesen von id3v2
kein verwertbarer Text herauskommt, bzw. ich nicht weiss wie ich an das charset zum
decodieren herankomme :-(
Daher versuche ich meine Anfängerglück mit MyId3.

Gruss Hein_nieH


Bekanntes Mitglied
Ich benutze für Audiodateien, speziell MP3 Immer JLayer. Ich habe ne Klasse Song entwickelt, mit der ich alle informationen aus der MP3 lesen kann:
package MusikPlayer;

import java.util.Map;
import javax.sound.sampled.UnsupportedAudioFileException;
import javazoom.spi.mpeg.sampled.file.MpegAudioFileReader;

public class Song implements Comparable<Song> {

    private Map<String, Object> properties;
    private String title;
    private String interpret;
    private String album;
    private String date;
    private String id3TagTrack;
    private String id3TagGenre;
    private int channels;
    private int mPegVersion;
    private int framesize;
    private int mp3VersionLayer;
    private int frameLength;
    private int bitrate;
    private String encoding;
    private ByteArrayInputStream id3TagV2;
    private String id3TagV2Version;
    private boolean padding;
    private long byteLength;
    private double framerate;
    private long duration;
    private int frequency;
    private int headerPos;
    private String comment;
    private boolean original;
    private File song;

    public Song(File song) throws UnsupportedAudioFileException, IOException { = song;
        try {
            properties = new MpegAudioFileReader().getAudioFileFormat(song).properties();
        } catch (UnsupportedAudioFileException | IOException ex) {
            System.err.println(song + " ist keine gültige Audio-Datei!");
            throw ex;
        if (properties != null) {
            this.title = (String) properties.get("title");
            this.interpret = (String) properties.get("author");
            this.album = (String) properties.get("mp3.id3tag.orchestra");
   = (String) properties.get("date");
            this.id3TagTrack = (String) properties.get("mp3.id3tag.track");
            this.id3TagGenre = (String) properties.get("mp3.id3tag.genre");
            this.channels = (int) properties.get("mp3.channels");
            this.mPegVersion = Integer.parseInt((String) properties.get("mp3.version.mpeg"));
            this.framesize = (int) properties.get("mp3.framesize.bytes");
            this.mp3VersionLayer = Integer.parseInt((String) properties.get("mp3.version.layer"));
            this.frameLength = (int) properties.get("mp3.length.frames");
            this.bitrate = (int) properties.get("mp3.bitrate.nominal.bps");
            this.encoding = (String) properties.get("mp3.version.encoding");
            this.id3TagV2 = (ByteArrayInputStream) properties.get("mp3.id3tag.v2");
            this.id3TagV2Version = (String) properties.get("mp3.id3tag.v2.version");
            this.padding = (boolean) properties.get("mp3.padding");
            this.byteLength = (int) properties.get("mp3.length.bytes");
            this.framerate = Double.parseDouble(Float.toString((float) properties.get("mp3.framerate.fps")));
            this.duration = (long) properties.get("duration");
            this.frequency = (int) properties.get("mp3.frequency.hz");
            this.headerPos = (int) properties.get("mp3.header.pos");
            this.comment = (String) properties.get("comment");
            this.original = (boolean) properties.get("mp3.original");

    public String getTitle() {
        if (title != null && !title.isEmpty()) {
            return title;
        } else {
            return getAudioFile().getName();

    public String getId3TagGenre() {
        return id3TagGenre;

    public int getMPegVersion() {
        return mPegVersion;

    public String getInterpret() {
        return interpret;

    public String getAlbum() {
        return album;

    public String getDate() {
        return date;

    public File getAudioFile() {
        return song;

    public String getId3TagTrack() {
        return id3TagTrack;

    public int getChannels() {
        return channels;

    public int getFramesize() {
        return framesize;

    public int getMp3VersionLayer() {
        return mp3VersionLayer;

    public int getFrameLength() {
        return frameLength;

    public int getBitrate() {
        return bitrate;

    public String getEncoding() {
        return encoding;

    public ByteArrayInputStream getId3TagV2() {
        return id3TagV2;

    public String getId3TagV2Version() {
        return id3TagV2Version;

    public boolean isPadding() {
        return padding;

    public long getByteLength() {
        return byteLength;

    public double getFramerate() {
        return framerate;

    public long getDuration() {
        return duration;

    public int getFrequency() {
        return frequency;

    public int getHeaderPos() {
        return headerPos;

    public String getComment() {
        return comment;

    public boolean isOriginal() {
        return original;

    public String toString() {
        return properties.toString();

    public String getTitleForCompare() {
        if (getTitle() == null || getTitle().isEmpty()) {
            return getAudioFile().getName().toLowerCase();
        } else {
            return getTitle().toLowerCase();

    public String getInterpretForCompare() {
        if (getInterpret() == null || getInterpret().isEmpty()) {
            return getAudioFile().getName().toLowerCase();
        } else {
            return getInterpret().toLowerCase();

    public int compareTo(Song o) {
        return getTitleForCompare().toLowerCase().compareTo(o.getTitleForCompare().toLowerCase());

Evtl hilfts dir ja
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:


Bekanntes Mitglied
Kann nichmehr bearbeiten...
package MusikPlayer;

import java.util.Map;
import javax.sound.sampled.UnsupportedAudioFileException;
import javazoom.spi.mpeg.sampled.file.MpegAudioFileReader;

public class Song implements Comparable<Song> {

    private Map<String, Object> properties;
    private String title;
    private String interpret;
    private String album;
    private String date;
    private String id3TagTrack;
    private String id3TagGenre;
    private String id3TagDisc;
    private String id3TagComposer;
    private String id3TagGrouping;
    private String id3TagEncoded;
    private String id3TagPublisher;
    private String id3TagLength;
    private int channels;
    private int mPegVersion;
    private int framesize;
    private int mp3VersionLayer;
    private int frameLength;
    private int bitrate;
    private String encoding;
    private ByteArrayInputStream id3TagV2;
    private String id3TagV2Version;
    private boolean padding;
    private long byteLength;
    private double framerate;
    private long duration;
    private int frequency;
    private int headerPos;
    private String comment;
    private boolean original;
    private File song;

    public Song(File song) throws UnsupportedAudioFileException, IOException { = song;
        try {
            properties = new MpegAudioFileReader().getAudioFileFormat(song).properties();
        } catch (UnsupportedAudioFileException | IOException ex) {
            System.err.println(song + " ist keine gültige Audio-Datei!");
            throw ex;
        if (properties != null) {
            this.title = (String) properties.get("title");
            this.interpret = (String) properties.get("author");
            this.album = (String) properties.get("mp3.id3tag.orchestra");
   = (String) properties.get("date");
            this.id3TagTrack = (String) properties.get("mp3.id3tag.track");
            this.id3TagGenre = (String) properties.get("mp3.id3tag.genre");
            this.id3TagDisc = (String) properties.get("mp3.id3tag.disc");
            this.id3TagComposer = (String) properties.get("mp3.id3tag.composer");
            this.id3TagGrouping = (String) properties.get("mp3.id3tag.grouping");
            this.id3TagEncoded = (String) properties.get("mp3.id3tag.encoded");
            this.id3TagPublisher = (String) properties.get("mp3.id3tag.publisher");
            this.id3TagLength = (String) properties.get("mp3.id3tag.length");
            this.channels = (int) properties.get("mp3.channels");
            this.mPegVersion = Integer.parseInt((String) properties.get("mp3.version.mpeg"));
            this.framesize = (int) properties.get("mp3.framesize.bytes");
            this.mp3VersionLayer = Integer.parseInt((String) properties.get("mp3.version.layer"));
            this.frameLength = (int) properties.get("mp3.length.frames");
            this.bitrate = (int) properties.get("mp3.bitrate.nominal.bps");
            this.encoding = (String) properties.get("mp3.version.encoding");
            this.id3TagV2 = (ByteArrayInputStream) properties.get("mp3.id3tag.v2");
            this.id3TagV2Version = (String) properties.get("mp3.id3tag.v2.version");
            this.padding = (boolean) properties.get("mp3.padding");
            this.byteLength = (int) properties.get("mp3.length.bytes");
            this.framerate = Double.parseDouble(Float.toString((float) properties.get("mp3.framerate.fps")));
            this.duration = (long) properties.get("duration");
            this.frequency = (int) properties.get("mp3.frequency.hz");
            this.headerPos = (int) properties.get("mp3.header.pos");
            this.comment = (String) properties.get("comment");
            this.original = (boolean) properties.get("mp3.original");

    public String getId3TagDisc() {
        return id3TagDisc;

    public String getId3TagComposer() {
        return id3TagComposer;

    public String getId3TagGrouping() {
        return id3TagGrouping;

    public String getId3TagEncoded() {
        return id3TagEncoded;

    public String getId3TagPublisher() {
        return id3TagPublisher;

    public String getId3TagLength() {
        return id3TagLength;

    public String getTitle() {
        if (title != null && !title.isEmpty()) {
            return title;
        } else {
            return getAudioFile().getName();

    public String getId3TagGenre() {
        return id3TagGenre;

    public int getMPegVersion() {
        return mPegVersion;

    public String getInterpret() {
        return interpret;

    public String getAlbum() {
        return album;

    public String getDate() {
        return date;

    public File getAudioFile() {
        return song;

    public String getId3TagTrack() {
        return id3TagTrack;

    public int getChannels() {
        return channels;

    public int getFramesize() {
        return framesize;

    public int getMp3VersionLayer() {
        return mp3VersionLayer;

    public int getFrameLength() {
        return frameLength;

    public int getBitrate() {
        return bitrate;

    public String getEncoding() {
        return encoding;

    public ByteArrayInputStream getId3TagV2() {
        return id3TagV2;

    public String getId3TagV2Version() {
        return id3TagV2Version;

    public boolean isPadding() {
        return padding;

    public long getByteLength() {
        return byteLength;

    public double getFramerate() {
        return framerate;

    public long getDuration() {
        return duration;

    public int getFrequency() {
        return frequency;

    public int getHeaderPos() {
        return headerPos;

    public String getComment() {
        return comment;

    public boolean isOriginal() {
        return original;

    public String toString() {
        return properties.toString();

    public String getTitleForCompare() {
        if (getTitle() == null || getTitle().isEmpty()) {
            return getAudioFile().getName().toLowerCase();
        } else {
            return getTitle().toLowerCase();

    public String getInterpretForCompare() {
        if (getInterpret() == null || getInterpret().isEmpty()) {
            return getAudioFile().getName().toLowerCase();
        } else {
            return getInterpret().toLowerCase();

    public int compareTo(Song o) {
        return getTitleForCompare().toLowerCase().compareTo(o.getTitleForCompare().toLowerCase());
Hab den ID3-Tag mal mehr aufgesplittet, damit man damit mehr anfangen kann. Damit wird nun noch mehr daraus gelesen. Wenn du NOCH mehr haben willst, kannste ja die MPEGAudioFileReader-Klasse selbst mal durchforsten und schauen, ob noch irgendwo ein Wert reingeschrieben wird, den man gebrauchen könnte. Das ist allerdings sehr unübersichtlich wie ich finde und nachdem ich obiges rausgesucht habe, hab ich auch eher weniger Lust, da nochmal durchzuschauen^^
* MpegAudioFileReader.
* 10/10/05 : size computation bug fixed in parseID3v2Frames.
*            RIFF/MP3 header support added.
*            FLAC and MAC headers throw UnsupportedAudioFileException now.
*            "mp3.id3tag.publisher" (TPUB/TPB) added.
*            "mp3.id3tag.orchestra" (TPE2/TP2) added.
*            "mp3.id3tag.length" (TLEN/TLE) added.
* 08/15/05 : parseID3v2Frames improved.
* 12/31/04 : mp3spi.weak system property added to skip controls.
* 11/29/04 : ID3v2.2, v2.3 & v2.4 support improved.
*            "mp3.id3tag.composer" (TCOM/TCM) added
*            "mp3.id3tag.grouping" (TIT1/TT1) added
*            "mp3.id3tag.disc" (TPA/TPOS) added
*            "mp3.id3tag.encoded" (TEN/TENC) added
*            "mp3.id3tag.v2.version" added
* 11/28/04 : String encoding bug fix in chopSubstring method.
* JavaZOOM :
*   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
*   it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published
*   by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
*   (at your option) any later version.
*   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
*   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
*   GNU Library General Public License for more details.
*   You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
*   License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
*   Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
package javazoom.spi.mpeg.sampled.file;

import java.util.HashMap;
import javax.sound.sampled.AudioFileFormat;
import javax.sound.sampled.AudioFormat;
import javax.sound.sampled.AudioInputStream;
import javax.sound.sampled.AudioSystem;
import javax.sound.sampled.UnsupportedAudioFileException;
import javazoom.jl.decoder.Bitstream;
import javazoom.jl.decoder.Header;
import javazoom.spi.mpeg.sampled.file.tag.IcyInputStream;
import javazoom.spi.mpeg.sampled.file.tag.MP3Tag;
import org.tritonus.share.TDebug;
import org.tritonus.share.sampled.file.TAudioFileReader;

* This class implements AudioFileReader for MP3 SPI.
public class MpegAudioFileReader extends TAudioFileReader
    public static final String VERSION = "MP3SPI 1.9.5";
    private final int SYNC = 0xFFE00000;
    private String weak = null;
    private final AudioFormat.Encoding[][] sm_aEncodings = {
            { MpegEncoding.MPEG2L1, MpegEncoding.MPEG2L2, MpegEncoding.MPEG2L3 },
            { MpegEncoding.MPEG1L1, MpegEncoding.MPEG1L2, MpegEncoding.MPEG1L3 },
            { MpegEncoding.MPEG2DOT5L1, MpegEncoding.MPEG2DOT5L2, MpegEncoding.MPEG2DOT5L3 }, };
    public static int INITAL_READ_LENGTH = 128000*32;
    private static int MARK_LIMIT = INITAL_READ_LENGTH + 1;
    static {
        String s = System.getProperty("marklimit");
        if (s != null)
                INITAL_READ_LENGTH = Integer.parseInt(s);
                MARK_LIMIT = INITAL_READ_LENGTH + 1;
            catch (NumberFormatException e)

    private static final String[] id3v1genres = {
          , "Classic Rock"
          , "Country"
          , "Dance"
          , "Disco"
          , "Funk"
          , "Grunge"
          , "Hip-Hop"
          , "Jazz"
          , "Metal"
          , "New Age"
          , "Oldies"
          , "Other"
          , "Pop"
          , "R&B"
          , "Rap"
          , "Reggae"
          , "Rock"
          , "Techno"
          , "Industrial"
          , "Alternative"
          , "Ska"
          , "Death Metal"
          , "Pranks"
          , "Soundtrack"
          , "Euro-Techno"
          , "Ambient"
          , "Trip-Hop"
          , "Vocal"
          , "Jazz+Funk"
          , "Fusion"
          , "Trance"
          , "Classical"
          , "Instrumental"
          , "Acid"
          , "House"
          , "Game"
          , "Sound Clip"
          , "Gospel"
          , "Noise"
          , "AlternRock"
          , "Bass"
          , "Soul"
          , "Punk"
          , "Space"
          , "Meditative"
          , "Instrumental Pop"
          , "Instrumental Rock"
          , "Ethnic"
          , "Gothic"
          , "Darkwave"
          , "Techno-Industrial"
          , "Electronic"
          , "Pop-Folk"
          , "Eurodance"
          , "Dream"
          , "Southern Rock"
          , "Comedy"
          , "Cult"
          , "Gangsta"
          , "Top 40"
          , "Christian Rap"
          , "Pop/Funk"
          , "Jungle"
          , "Native American"
          , "Cabaret"
          , "New Wave"
          , "Psychadelic"
          , "Rave"
          , "Showtunes"
          , "Trailer"
          , "Lo-Fi"
          , "Tribal"
          , "Acid Punk"
          , "Acid Jazz"
          , "Polka"
          , "Retro"
          , "Musical"
          , "Rock & Roll"
          , "Hard Rock"
          , "Folk"
          , "Folk-Rock"
          , "National Folk"
          , "Swing"
          , "Fast Fusion"
          , "Bebob"
          , "Latin"
          , "Revival"
          , "Celtic"
          , "Bluegrass"
          , "Avantgarde"
          , "Gothic Rock"
          , "Progressive Rock"
          , "Psychedelic Rock"
          , "Symphonic Rock"
          , "Slow Rock"
          , "Big Band"
          , "Chorus"
          , "Easy Listening"
          , "Acoustic"
          , "Humour"
          , "Speech"
          , "Chanson"
          , "Opera"
          , "Chamber Music"
          , "Sonata"
          , "Symphony"
          , "Booty Brass"
          , "Primus"
          , "Porn Groove"
          , "Satire"
          , "Slow Jam"
          , "Club"
          , "Tango"
          , "Samba"
          , "Folklore"
          , "Ballad"
          , "Power Ballad"
          , "Rhythmic Soul"
          , "Freestyle"
          , "Duet"
          , "Punk Rock"
          , "Drum Solo"
          , "A Capela"
          , "Euro-House"
          , "Dance Hall"
          , "Goa"
          , "Drum & Bass"
          , "Club-House"
          , "Hardcore"
          , "Terror"
          , "Indie"
          , "BritPop"
          , "Negerpunk"
          , "Polsk Punk"
          , "Beat"
          , "Christian Gangsta Rap"
          , "Heavy Metal"
          , "Black Metal"
          , "Crossover"
          , "Contemporary Christian"
          , "Christian Rock"
          , "Merengue"
          , "Salsa"
          , "Thrash Metal"
          , "Anime"
          , "JPop"
          , "SynthPop"

    public MpegAudioFileReader()
        super(MARK_LIMIT, true);
        if (TDebug.TraceAudioFileReader) TDebug.out(VERSION);
            weak = System.getProperty("mp3spi.weak");
        catch (AccessControlException e)

     * Returns AudioFileFormat from File.
    public AudioFileFormat getAudioFileFormat(File file) throws UnsupportedAudioFileException, IOException
        return super.getAudioFileFormat(file);

     * Returns AudioFileFormat from URL.
    public AudioFileFormat getAudioFileFormat(URL url) throws UnsupportedAudioFileException, IOException
        if (TDebug.TraceAudioFileReader)
            TDebug.out("MpegAudioFileReader.getAudioFileFormat(URL): begin");
        long lFileLengthInBytes = AudioSystem.NOT_SPECIFIED;
        URLConnection conn = url.openConnection();
        // Tell shoucast server (if any) that SPI support shoutcast stream.
        conn.setRequestProperty("Icy-Metadata", "1");
        InputStream inputStream = conn.getInputStream();
        AudioFileFormat audioFileFormat = null;
            audioFileFormat = getAudioFileFormat(inputStream, lFileLengthInBytes);
        if (TDebug.TraceAudioFileReader)
            TDebug.out("MpegAudioFileReader.getAudioFileFormat(URL): end");
        return audioFileFormat;

     * Returns AudioFileFormat from inputstream and medialength.
    public AudioFileFormat getAudioFileFormat(InputStream inputStream, long mediaLength) throws UnsupportedAudioFileException, IOException
        if (TDebug.TraceAudioFileReader) TDebug.out(">MpegAudioFileReader.getAudioFileFormat(InputStream inputStream, long mediaLength): begin");
        HashMap aff_properties = new HashMap();
        HashMap af_properties = new HashMap();
        int mLength = (int) mediaLength;
        int size = inputStream.available();
        PushbackInputStream pis = new PushbackInputStream(inputStream, MARK_LIMIT);
        byte head[] = new byte[22];;
        if (TDebug.TraceAudioFileReader)
            TDebug.out("InputStream : " + inputStream + " =>" + new String(head));

        // Check for WAV, AU, and AIFF, Ogg Vorbis, Flac, MAC file formats.
        // Next check for Shoutcast (supported) and OGG (unsupported) streams.
        if ((head[0] == 'R') && (head[1] == 'I') && (head[2] == 'F') && (head[3] == 'F') && (head[8] == 'W') && (head[9] == 'A') && (head[10] == 'V') && (head[11] == 'E'))
            if (TDebug.TraceAudioFileReader) TDebug.out("RIFF/WAV stream found");
            int isPCM = ((head[21]<<8)&0x0000FF00) | ((head[20])&0x00000FF);
            if (weak == null)
                if (isPCM == 1) throw new UnsupportedAudioFileException("WAV PCM stream found");

        else if ((head[0] == '.') && (head[1] == 's') && (head[2] == 'n') && (head[3] == 'd'))
            if (TDebug.TraceAudioFileReader) TDebug.out("AU stream found");
            if (weak == null) throw new UnsupportedAudioFileException("AU stream found");
        else if ((head[0] == 'F') && (head[1] == 'O') && (head[2] == 'R') && (head[3] == 'M') && (head[8] == 'A') && (head[9] == 'I') && (head[10] == 'F') && (head[11] == 'F'))
            if (TDebug.TraceAudioFileReader) TDebug.out("AIFF stream found");
            if (weak == null) throw new UnsupportedAudioFileException("AIFF stream found");
        else if (((head[0] == 'M') | (head[0] == 'm')) && ((head[1] == 'A') | (head[1] == 'a')) && ((head[2] == 'C') | (head[2] == 'c')))
            if (TDebug.TraceAudioFileReader) TDebug.out("APE stream found");
            if (weak == null) throw new UnsupportedAudioFileException("APE stream found");
        else if (((head[0] == 'F') | (head[0] == 'f')) && ((head[1] == 'L') | (head[1] == 'l')) && ((head[2] == 'A') | (head[2] == 'a')) && ((head[3] == 'C') | (head[3] == 'c')))
            if (TDebug.TraceAudioFileReader) TDebug.out("FLAC stream found");
            if (weak == null) throw new UnsupportedAudioFileException("FLAC stream found");
        // Shoutcast stream ?
        else if (((head[0] == 'I') | (head[0] == 'i')) && ((head[1] == 'C') | (head[1] == 'c')) && ((head[2] == 'Y') | (head[2] == 'y')))
            // Load shoutcast meta data.
            loadShoutcastInfo(pis, aff_properties);
        // Ogg stream ?
        else if (((head[0] == 'O') | (head[0] == 'o')) && ((head[1] == 'G') | (head[1] == 'g')) && ((head[2] == 'G') | (head[2] == 'g')))
            if (TDebug.TraceAudioFileReader) TDebug.out("Ogg stream found");
            if (weak == null) throw new UnsupportedAudioFileException("Ogg stream found");
        // No, so pushback.
        // MPEG header info.
        int nVersion = AudioSystem.NOT_SPECIFIED;
        int nLayer = AudioSystem.NOT_SPECIFIED;
        int nSFIndex = AudioSystem.NOT_SPECIFIED;
        int nMode = AudioSystem.NOT_SPECIFIED;
        int FrameSize = AudioSystem.NOT_SPECIFIED;
        int nFrameSize = AudioSystem.NOT_SPECIFIED;
        int nFrequency = AudioSystem.NOT_SPECIFIED;
        int nTotalFrames = AudioSystem.NOT_SPECIFIED;
        float FrameRate = AudioSystem.NOT_SPECIFIED;
        int BitRate = AudioSystem.NOT_SPECIFIED;
        int nChannels = AudioSystem.NOT_SPECIFIED;
        int nHeader = AudioSystem.NOT_SPECIFIED;
        int nTotalMS = AudioSystem.NOT_SPECIFIED;
        boolean nVBR = false;
        AudioFormat.Encoding encoding = null;
            Bitstream m_bitstream = new Bitstream(pis);
            int streamPos = m_bitstream.header_pos();
            aff_properties.put("mp3.header.pos", new Integer(streamPos));
            Header m_header = m_bitstream.readFrame();
            // nVersion = 0 => MPEG2-LSF (Including MPEG2.5), nVersion = 1 => MPEG1
            nVersion = m_header.version();
            if (nVersion == 2) aff_properties.put("mp3.version.mpeg", Float.toString(2.5f));
            else aff_properties.put("mp3.version.mpeg", Integer.toString(2 - nVersion));
            // nLayer = 1,2,3
            nLayer = m_header.layer();
            aff_properties.put("mp3.version.layer", Integer.toString(nLayer));
            nSFIndex = m_header.sample_frequency();
            nMode = m_header.mode();
            aff_properties.put("mp3.mode", new Integer(nMode));
            nChannels = nMode == 3 ? 1 : 2;
            aff_properties.put("mp3.channels", new Integer(nChannels));
            nVBR = m_header.vbr();
            af_properties.put("vbr", new Boolean(nVBR));
            aff_properties.put("mp3.vbr", new Boolean(nVBR));
            aff_properties.put("mp3.vbr.scale", new Integer(m_header.vbr_scale()));
            FrameSize = m_header.calculate_framesize();
            aff_properties.put("mp3.framesize.bytes", new Integer(FrameSize));
            if (FrameSize < 0) throw new UnsupportedAudioFileException("Invalid FrameSize : " + FrameSize);
            nFrequency = m_header.frequency();
            aff_properties.put("mp3.frequency.hz", new Integer(nFrequency));
            FrameRate = (float) ((1.0 / (m_header.ms_per_frame())) * 1000.0);
            aff_properties.put("mp3.framerate.fps", new Float(FrameRate));
            if (FrameRate < 0) throw new UnsupportedAudioFileException("Invalid FrameRate : " + FrameRate);
            // Remove heading tag length from real stream length.
            int tmpLength = mLength;
            if ((streamPos > 0) && (mLength != AudioSystem.NOT_SPECIFIED) && (streamPos < mLength)) tmpLength = tmpLength - streamPos;
            if (mLength != AudioSystem.NOT_SPECIFIED)
                aff_properties.put("mp3.length.bytes", new Integer(mLength));
                nTotalFrames = m_header.max_number_of_frames(tmpLength);
                aff_properties.put("mp3.length.frames", new Integer(nTotalFrames));
            BitRate = m_header.bitrate();
            af_properties.put("bitrate", new Integer(BitRate));
            aff_properties.put("mp3.bitrate.nominal.bps", new Integer(BitRate));
            nHeader = m_header.getSyncHeader();
            encoding = sm_aEncodings[nVersion][nLayer - 1];
            aff_properties.put("mp3.version.encoding", encoding.toString());
            if (mLength != AudioSystem.NOT_SPECIFIED)
                nTotalMS = Math.round(m_header.total_ms(tmpLength));
                aff_properties.put("duration", new Long((long) nTotalMS * 1000L));
            aff_properties.put("mp3.copyright", new Boolean(m_header.copyright()));
            aff_properties.put("mp3.original", new Boolean(m_header.original()));
            aff_properties.put("mp3.crc", new Boolean(m_header.checksums()));
            aff_properties.put("mp3.padding", new Boolean(m_header.padding()));
            InputStream id3v2 = m_bitstream.getRawID3v2();
            if (id3v2 != null)
                aff_properties.put("mp3.id3tag.v2", id3v2);
                parseID3v2Frames(id3v2, aff_properties);
            if (TDebug.TraceAudioFileReader) TDebug.out(m_header.toString());
        catch (Exception e)
            if (TDebug.TraceAudioFileReader) TDebug.out("not a MPEG stream:" + e.getMessage());
            throw new UnsupportedAudioFileException("not a MPEG stream:" + e.getMessage());
        // Deeper checks ?
        int cVersion = (nHeader >> 19) & 0x3;
        if (cVersion == 1)
            if (TDebug.TraceAudioFileReader) TDebug.out("not a MPEG stream: wrong version");
            throw new UnsupportedAudioFileException("not a MPEG stream: wrong version");
        int cSFIndex = (nHeader >> 10) & 0x3;
        if (cSFIndex == 3)
            if (TDebug.TraceAudioFileReader) TDebug.out("not a MPEG stream: wrong sampling rate");
            throw new UnsupportedAudioFileException("not a MPEG stream: wrong sampling rate");
        // Look up for ID3v1 tag
        if ((size == mediaLength) && (mediaLength != AudioSystem.NOT_SPECIFIED))
            FileInputStream fis = (FileInputStream) inputStream;
            byte[] id3v1 = new byte[128];
            long bytesSkipped = fis.skip(inputStream.available() - id3v1.length);
            int read =, 0, id3v1.length);
            if ((id3v1[0] == 'T') && (id3v1[1] == 'A') && (id3v1[2] == 'G'))
                parseID3v1Frames(id3v1, aff_properties);
        AudioFormat format = new MpegAudioFormat(encoding, (float) nFrequency, AudioSystem.NOT_SPECIFIED // SampleSizeInBits - The size of a sample
                , nChannels // Channels - The number of channels
                , -1 // The number of bytes in each frame
                , FrameRate // FrameRate - The number of frames played or recorded per second
                , true, af_properties);
        return new MpegAudioFileFormat(MpegFileFormatType.MP3, format, nTotalFrames, mLength, aff_properties);

     * Returns AudioInputStream from file.
    public AudioInputStream getAudioInputStream(File file) throws UnsupportedAudioFileException, IOException
        if (TDebug.TraceAudioFileReader) TDebug.out("getAudioInputStream(File file)");
        InputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream(file);
            return getAudioInputStream(inputStream);
        catch (UnsupportedAudioFileException e)
            if (inputStream != null) inputStream.close();
            throw e;
        catch (IOException e)
            if (inputStream != null) inputStream.close();
            throw e;

     * Returns AudioInputStream from url.
    public AudioInputStream getAudioInputStream(URL url) throws UnsupportedAudioFileException, IOException
        if (TDebug.TraceAudioFileReader)
            TDebug.out("MpegAudioFileReader.getAudioInputStream(URL): begin");
        long lFileLengthInBytes = AudioSystem.NOT_SPECIFIED;
        URLConnection conn = url.openConnection();
        // Tell shoucast server (if any) that SPI support shoutcast stream.
        boolean isShout = false;
        int toRead = 4;
        byte[] head = new byte[toRead];
        conn.setRequestProperty("Icy-Metadata", "1");
        BufferedInputStream bInputStream = new BufferedInputStream(conn.getInputStream());
        int read =, 0, toRead);
        if ((read > 2) && (((head[0] == 'I') | (head[0] == 'i')) && ((head[1] == 'C') | (head[1] == 'c')) && ((head[2] == 'Y') | (head[2] == 'y')))) isShout = true;
        InputStream inputStream = null;
        // Is is a shoutcast server ?
        if (isShout == true)
            // Yes
            IcyInputStream icyStream = new IcyInputStream(bInputStream);
            inputStream = icyStream;
            // No, is Icecast 2 ?
            String metaint = conn.getHeaderField("icy-metaint");
            if (metaint != null)
                // Yes, it might be icecast 2 mp3 stream.
                IcyInputStream icyStream = new IcyInputStream(bInputStream, metaint);
                inputStream = icyStream;
                // No
                inputStream = bInputStream;
        AudioInputStream audioInputStream = null;
            audioInputStream = getAudioInputStream(inputStream, lFileLengthInBytes);
        catch (UnsupportedAudioFileException e)
            throw e;
        catch (IOException e)
            throw e;
        if (TDebug.TraceAudioFileReader)
            TDebug.out("MpegAudioFileReader.getAudioInputStream(URL): end");
        return audioInputStream;

     * Return the AudioInputStream from the given InputStream.
    public AudioInputStream getAudioInputStream(InputStream inputStream) throws UnsupportedAudioFileException, IOException
        if (TDebug.TraceAudioFileReader) TDebug.out("MpegAudioFileReader.getAudioInputStream(InputStream inputStream)");
        if (!inputStream.markSupported()) inputStream = new BufferedInputStream(inputStream);
        return super.getAudioInputStream(inputStream);

     * Parser ID3v1 frames
     * @param frames
     * @param props
    protected void parseID3v1Frames(byte[] frames, HashMap props)
        if (TDebug.TraceAudioFileReader) TDebug.out("Parsing ID3v1");
        String tag = null;
            tag = new String(frames, 0, frames.length, "ISO-8859-1");
        catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e)
            tag = new String(frames, 0, frames.length);
            if (TDebug.TraceAudioFileReader) TDebug.out("Cannot use ISO-8859-1");
        if (TDebug.TraceAudioFileReader) TDebug.out("ID3v1 frame dump='" + tag + "'");
        int start = 3;
        String titlev1 = chopSubstring(tag, start, start += 30);
        String titlev2 = (String) props.get("title");
        if (((titlev2 == null) || (titlev2.length() == 0)) && (titlev1 != null)) props.put("title", titlev1);
        String artistv1 = chopSubstring(tag, start, start += 30);
        String artistv2 = (String) props.get("author");
        if (((artistv2 == null) || (artistv2.length() == 0)) && (artistv1 != null)) props.put("author", artistv1);
        String albumv1 = chopSubstring(tag, start, start += 30);
        String albumv2 = (String) props.get("album");
        if (((albumv2 == null) || (albumv2.length() == 0)) && (albumv1 != null)) props.put("album", albumv1);
        String yearv1 = chopSubstring(tag, start, start += 4);
        String yearv2 = (String) props.get("year");
        if (((yearv2 == null) || (yearv2.length() == 0)) && (yearv1 != null)) props.put("date", yearv1);
        String commentv1 = chopSubstring(tag, start, start += 28);
        String commentv2 = (String) props.get("comment");
        if (((commentv2 == null) || (commentv2.length() == 0)) && (commentv1 != null)) props.put("comment", commentv1);
        String trackv1 = "" + ((int) (frames[126] & 0xff));
        String trackv2 = (String) props.get("mp3.id3tag.track");
        if (((trackv2 == null) || (trackv2.length() == 0)) && (trackv1 != null)) props.put("mp3.id3tag.track", trackv1);
        int genrev1 = (int) (frames[127] & 0xff);
        if ((genrev1 >= 0) && (genrev1 < id3v1genres.length))
            String genrev2 = (String) props.get("mp3.id3tag.genre");
            if (((genrev2 == null) || (genrev2.length() == 0))) {
                props.put("mp3.id3tag.genre", id3v1genres[genrev1]);
        if (TDebug.TraceAudioFileReader) TDebug.out("ID3v1 parsed");

     * Extract
     * @param s
     * @param start
     * @param end
     * @return
    private String chopSubstring(String s, int start, int end)
        String str = null;
        // 11/28/04 - String encoding bug fix.
            str = s.substring(start, end);
            int loc = str.indexOf('\0');
            if (loc != -1) str = str.substring(0, loc);
        catch (StringIndexOutOfBoundsException e)
            // Skip encoding issues.
            if (TDebug.TraceAudioFileReader) TDebug.out("Cannot chopSubString " + e.getMessage());
        return str;

     * Parse ID3v2 frames to add album (TALB), title (TIT2), date (TYER), author (TPE1), copyright (TCOP), comment (COMM) ...
     * @param frames
     * @param props
    protected void parseID3v2Frames(InputStream frames, HashMap props)
        if (TDebug.TraceAudioFileReader) TDebug.out("Parsing ID3v2");
        byte[] bframes = null;
        int size = -1;
            size = frames.available();
            bframes = new byte[size];
        catch (IOException e)
            if (TDebug.TraceAudioFileReader) TDebug.out("Cannot parse ID3v2 :" + e.getMessage());
        if (!"ID3".equals(new String(bframes, 0, 3)))
            TDebug.out("No ID3v2 header found!");
        int v2version = (int) (bframes[3] & 0xFF);
        props.put("mp3.id3tag.v2.version", String.valueOf(v2version));
        if (v2version < 2 || v2version > 4)
            TDebug.out("Unsupported ID3v2 version " + v2version + "!");
            if (TDebug.TraceAudioFileReader) TDebug.out("ID3v2 frame dump='" + new String(bframes, 0, bframes.length) + "'");
            /* ID3 tags : */
            String value = null;
            for (int i = 10; i < bframes.length && bframes[i] > 0; i += size)
                if (v2version == 3 || v2version == 4)
                    // ID3v2.3 & ID3v2.4
                    String code = new String(bframes, i, 4);
                    size = (bframes[i + 4] << 24) & 0xFF000000 | (bframes[i + 5] << 16) & 0x00FF0000 | (bframes[i + 6] << 8) & 0x0000FF00 | (bframes[i + 7]) & 0x000000FF;
                    i += 10;
                    if ((code.equals("TALB")) || (code.equals("TIT2")) || (code.equals("TYER")) ||
                        (code.equals("TPE1")) || (code.equals("TCOP")) || (code.equals("COMM")) ||
                        (code.equals("TCON")) || (code.equals("TRCK")) || (code.equals("TPOS")) ||
                        (code.equals("TDRC")) || (code.equals("TCOM")) || (code.equals("TIT1")) ||
                        (code.equals("TENC")) || (code.equals("TPUB")) || (code.equals("TPE2")) ||
                        (code.equals("TLEN")) )
                        if (code.equals("COMM")) value = parseText(bframes, i, size, 5);
                        else value = parseText(bframes, i, size, 1);
                        if ((value != null) && (value.length() > 0))
                            if (code.equals("TALB")) props.put("album", value);
                            else if (code.equals("TIT2")) props.put("title", value);
                            else if (code.equals("TYER")) props.put("date", value);
                            // ID3v2.4 date fix.
                            else if (code.equals("TDRC")) props.put("date", value);
                            else if (code.equals("TPE1")) props.put("author", value);
                            else if (code.equals("TCOP")) props.put("copyright", value);
                            else if (code.equals("COMM")) props.put("comment", value);
                            else if (code.equals("TCON")) props.put("mp3.id3tag.genre", value);
                            else if (code.equals("TRCK")) props.put("mp3.id3tag.track", value);
                            else if (code.equals("TPOS")) props.put("mp3.id3tag.disc", value);
                            else if (code.equals("TCOM")) props.put("mp3.id3tag.composer", value);
                            else if (code.equals("TIT1")) props.put("mp3.id3tag.grouping", value);
                            else if (code.equals("TENC")) props.put("mp3.id3tag.encoded", value);
                            else if (code.equals("TPUB")) props.put("mp3.id3tag.publisher", value);
                            else if (code.equals("TPE2")) props.put("mp3.id3tag.orchestra", value);
                            else if (code.equals("TLEN")) props.put("mp3.id3tag.length", value);
                    // ID3v2.2
                    String scode = new String(bframes, i, 3);
                    size = (int) (0x00000000) + (bframes[i + 3] << 16) + (bframes[i + 4] << 8) + (bframes[i + 5]);
                    i += 6;
                    if ((scode.equals("TAL")) || (scode.equals("TT2")) || (scode.equals("TP1")) ||
                        (scode.equals("TYE")) || (scode.equals("TRK")) || (scode.equals("TPA")) ||
                        (scode.equals("TCR")) || (scode.equals("TCO")) || (scode.equals("TCM")) ||
                        (scode.equals("COM")) || (scode.equals("TT1")) || (scode.equals("TEN")) ||
                        (scode.equals("TPB")) || (scode.equals("TP2")) || (scode.equals("TLE")) )
                        if (scode.equals("COM")) value = parseText(bframes, i, size, 5);
                        else value = parseText(bframes, i, size, 1);
                        if ((value != null) && (value.length() > 0))
                            if (scode.equals("TAL")) props.put("album", value);
                            else if (scode.equals("TT2")) props.put("title", value);
                            else if (scode.equals("TYE")) props.put("date", value);
                            else if (scode.equals("TP1")) props.put("author", value);
                            else if (scode.equals("TCR")) props.put("copyright", value);
                            else if (scode.equals("COM")) props.put("comment", value);
                            else if (scode.equals("TCO")) props.put("mp3.id3tag.genre", value);
                            else if (scode.equals("TRK")) props.put("mp3.id3tag.track", value);
                            else if (scode.equals("TPA")) props.put("mp3.id3tag.disc", value);
                            else if (scode.equals("TCM")) props.put("mp3.id3tag.composer", value);
                            else if (scode.equals("TT1")) props.put("mp3.id3tag.grouping", value);
                            else if (scode.equals("TEN")) props.put("mp3.id3tag.encoded", value);
                            else if (scode.equals("TPB")) props.put("mp3.id3tag.publisher", value);
                            else if (scode.equals("TP2")) props.put("mp3.id3tag.orchestra", value);
                            else if (scode.equals("TLE")) props.put("mp3.id3tag.length", value);
        catch (RuntimeException e)
            // Ignore all parsing errors.
            if (TDebug.TraceAudioFileReader) TDebug.out("Cannot parse ID3v2 :" + e.getMessage());
        if (TDebug.TraceAudioFileReader) TDebug.out("ID3v2 parsed");

     * Parse Text Frames.
     * @param bframes
     * @param offset
     * @param size
     * @param skip
     * @return
    protected String parseText(byte[] bframes, int offset, int size, int skip)
        String value = null;
            String[] ENC_TYPES = { "ISO-8859-1", "UTF16", "UTF-16BE", "UTF-8" };
            value = new String(bframes, offset + skip, size - skip, ENC_TYPES[bframes[offset]]);
            value = chopSubstring(value, 0, value.length());
        catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e)
            if (TDebug.TraceAudioFileReader) TDebug.out("ID3v2 Encoding error :" + e.getMessage());
        return value;

     * Load shoutcast (ICY) info.
     * @param input
     * @param props
     * @throws IOException
    protected void loadShoutcastInfo(InputStream input, HashMap props) throws IOException
        IcyInputStream icy = new IcyInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(input));
        HashMap metadata = icy.getTagHash();
        MP3Tag titleMP3Tag = icy.getTag("icy-name");
        if (titleMP3Tag != null) props.put("title", ((String) titleMP3Tag.getValue()).trim());
        MP3Tag[] meta = icy.getTags();
        if (meta != null)
            StringBuffer metaStr = new StringBuffer();
            for (int i = 0; i < meta.length; i++)
                String key = meta[i].getName();
                String value = ((String) icy.getTag(key).getValue()).trim();
                props.put("mp3.shoutcast.metadata." + key, value);
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M Problem in der Modellierung Java Basics - Anfänger-Themen 20
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S Generics-Problem: Class, Class<?>, Class<Object> Java Basics - Anfänger-Themen 4
D FileWriter / FileReader Problem Java Basics - Anfänger-Themen 10
G Problem beim Speichern von Objekten in einer Datei Java Basics - Anfänger-Themen 7
S Compiler-Fehler Exception in thread "main" java.lang.Error: Unresolved compilation problem: Java Basics - Anfänger-Themen 6
J Problem mit Array: 2 Klassen Java Basics - Anfänger-Themen 2
S Collections funktionale Listen (ListNode<E>) review und problem beim clone Java Basics - Anfänger-Themen 0
W OOP Vererbung und Problem bei Zählschleife in einer Methode Java Basics - Anfänger-Themen 10
C Problem mit If Else If und Überprüfung eines Counters Java Basics - Anfänger-Themen 3
F Problem mit Listen Java Basics - Anfänger-Themen 5
I wieder mit einer Umwandelung habe ich Problem (diesmal von char Array zu char) Java Basics - Anfänger-Themen 1
J Problem bei Umrechnung von Hex in Bin Java Basics - Anfänger-Themen 4
W Problem bei Programmierung von Monte-Carlo-Integration Java Basics - Anfänger-Themen 12

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