Spring MongoDB: Auswertung schlägt fehl


Bekanntes Mitglied
ich habe folgende Entity
public class Country {
     public static final String SEQUENCE_NAME = "countries_sequence";
    private long id;                                                                // the id of the user

    private User created_by;                                                        // the creator
    private LocalDateTime created_at;                                                // the created date

    private User updated_by;                                                        // the creator
    private LocalDateTime updated_at;                                                // the update

    private User deleted_by;                                                        // the user who has this deleted
    private LocalDateTime deleted_at;                                                // the date when the user has this deleted

    @Size(min = 1, max = 100)
    @Indexed(unique = true)
    private String name;                                                              // the country name

    @Size(min = 1, max = 2)
    @Indexed(unique = true)   
    private String code;                                                    // the country code (ISO Code 3166-Alpha2
    private Binary flag;                                                            // the flag of the country

    public Country(
            @NotBlank @Size(min = 1, max = 100) String name,
            @NotBlank @Size(min = 1, max = 2) String code,
            Binary flag) {
        this.name = name;
        this.code = code;
        this.flag = flag;

    public long getId() {
        return id;

    public void setId(long id) {
        this.id = id;

    public User getCreatedBy() {
        return created_by;

    public void setCreatedBy(User created_by) {
        this.created_by = created_by;

    public LocalDateTime getCreatedAt() {
        return created_at;

    public void setCreatedAt(LocalDateTime created_at) {
        this.created_at = created_at;

    public User getUpdatedBy() {
        return updated_by;

    public void setUpdatedBy(User updated_by) {
        this.updated_by = updated_by;

    public LocalDateTime getUpdatedAt() {
        return updated_at;

    public void setUpdatedAt(LocalDateTime updated_at) {
        this.updated_at = updated_at;

    public User getDeletedBy() {
        return deleted_by;

    public void setDeletedBy(User deleted_by) {
        this.deleted_by = deleted_by;

    public LocalDateTime getDeletedAt() {
        return deleted_at;

    public void setDeletedAt(LocalDateTime deleted_at) {
        this.deleted_at = deleted_at;

    public String getName() {
        return name;

    public void setName(String name) {
        this.name = name;

    public String getCode() {
        return code;

    public void setCode(String code) {
        this.code = code;

    public Binary getFlag() {
        return flag;

    public void setFlag(Binary flag) {
        this.flag = flag;

    public int hashCode() {
        return Objects.hash(code, name);

    public boolean equals(Object obj) {
        if (this == obj)
            return true;
        if (obj == null)
            return false;
        if (getClass() != obj.getClass())
            return false;
        Country other = (Country) obj;
        return Objects.equals(code, other.code) && Objects.equals(name, other.name);

    public String toString() {
        return "Country [id=" + id + ", created_by=" + created_by + ", created_at=" + created_at + ", updated_by="
                + updated_by + ", updated_at=" + updated_at + ", deleted_by=" + deleted_by + ", deleted_at="
                + deleted_at + ", name=" + name + ", code=" + code + ", flag=" + flag + "]";

Aus dem Service stammt folgende Funktion, um die es sich dreht
    public boolean existsCountryByNameOrCode(String country_name, String code) {
        logger.debug("CountryService::existsCountryByNameOrCountryCode(" + country_name + ", " + code + ")");
        Criteria regex = Criteria.where("name").regex(
                Pattern.compile(country_name, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.UNICODE_CASE)               
                   Pattern.compile(code, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.UNICODE_CASE)               
        Query query = new Query().addCriteria(regex);
        return mongoOperations.exists(query, Country.class);

und eine entsprechende Test-Case dazu
    void testExistsCountryByNameOrCountryCode() throws ResourceNotFoundException, NotDefinedException, DuplicateException {
        // create creator
        String firstname = "firstname";
        String lastname = "lastname";
        String email = "EMail@email.com";
        String password = "password";
        User creator = new User(
                firstname,                // password
                lastname,                 // lastname
                email,                     // email
                password                // password
        User createdCreator = userService.createUser(null, creator);
        Optional<User> foundCreator = userService.findUserById(createdCreator.getId());
        assertTrue( foundCreator.isPresent(), "testExistsCountryByNameOrCountryCode(): Creator (" + createdCreator + ") not stored");
        // create country 1
        String country_name1 = "Germany";
        String country_code1 = "DE";
        Country createCountry1 = new Country(
        Country createdCountry1 = countryService.createCountry(creator, createCountry1);
        Optional<Country> foundCreatedCountry1 = countryService.findCountryById(createdCountry1.getId());
        assertTrue( foundCreatedCountry1.isPresent(), "testExistsCountryByNameOrCountryCode(): Creator (" + createdCountry1 + ") not stored");

        // create country 2
        String country_name2 = "United Kingdom";
        String country_code2 = "UK";
        Country createCountry2 = new Country(
        Country createdCountry2 = countryService.createCountry(creator, createCountry2);
        Optional<Country> foundCreatedCountry2 = countryService.findCountryById(createdCountry2.getId());
        assertTrue( foundCreatedCountry2.isPresent(), "testExistsCountryByNameOrCountryCode(): Creator (" + createdCountry1 + ") not stored");
        // test 1
        String findName1 = "germany";
        String findCountryCode1 = "de";
        assertTrue( countryService.existsCountryByNameOrCode(findName1, findCountryCode1), "testExistsCountryByNameOrCountryCode(): Country (" + createdCountry1 + ") not exists a country with code: " + findCountryCode1 + " or name: " + findName1 );

        // test 2   
        String findName2 = "Germany";
        String findCountryCode2 = "de";
        assertTrue( countryService.existsCountryByNameOrCode(findName2, findCountryCode2), "testExistsCountryByNameOrCountryCode(): Country (" + createdCountry2 + ") not exists a country with code: " + findCountryCode1 + " or name: " + findName2 );

        // test 3   
        String findName3 = "GERMANY";
        String findCountryCode3 = "de";
        assertTrue( countryService.existsCountryByNameOrCode(findName3, findCountryCode3), "testExistsCountryByNameOrCountryCode(): Country (" + createdCountry1 + ") not exists a country with code: " + findCountryCode3 + " or name: " + findName3 );

        // test 4
        String findName4 = "germany";
        String findCountryCode4 = "De";
        assertTrue( countryService.existsCountryByNameOrCode(findName4, findCountryCode4), "testExistsCountryByNameOrCountryCode(): Country (" + createdCountry1 + ") not exists a country with code: " + findCountryCode4 + " or name: " + findName4 );

        // test 5
        String findName5 = "germany";
        String findCountryCode5 = "DE";
        assertTrue( countryService.existsCountryByNameOrCode(findName5, findCountryCode5), "testExistsCountryByNameOrCountryCode(): Country (" + createdCountry1 + ") not exists a country with code: " + findCountryCode5 + " or name: " + findName5 );

        // test 6
        String findName6 = "germany";
        String findCountryCode6 = "UK";
        assertTrue( countryService.existsCountryByNameOrCode(findName6, findCountryCode6), "testExistsCountryByNameOrCountryCode(): Country (" + createdCountry1 + ") not exists a country with code: " + findCountryCode6 + " or name: " + findName6 );

        // test 7
        String findName7 = "france";
        String findCountryCode7 = "UK";
        assertTrue( countryService.existsCountryByNameOrCode(findName7, findCountryCode7), "testExistsCountryByNameOrCountryCode(): Country (" + createdCountry1 + ") not exists a country with code: " + findCountryCode7 + " or name: " + findName7 );

        // test 8
        String findName8 = "germany";
        String findCountryCode8 = "fr";
        assertTrue( countryService.existsCountryByNameOrCode(findName8, findCountryCode8), "testExistsCountryByNameOrCountryCode(): Country (" + createdCountry1 + ") not exists a country with code: " + findCountryCode8 + " or name: " + findName8 );
        // clean up

Bis zum Fall "test 6" läuft alles ok. Bei

String findName6 = "germany";
String findCountryCode6 = "UK";

liefert die Funktion aber false anstelle des (für mich logischen) true zurück. Erwähnenswert wäre noch, dass beide Datenstäze in der Datenbank enthalten ist.

DBRef('users', '2')
DBRef('users', '2')
"United Kingdom"


Bekanntes Mitglied
Ich habe inzwischen die Funktion etwas modifiziert. So
    public boolean existsCountryByNameOrCode(String country_name, String code) {
        logger.debug("CountryService::existsCountryByNameOrCountryCode(" + country_name + ", " + code + ")");
        return     this.existsCountryByName(country_name) || this.existsCountryByCode(code);
         * CHECK:
        Criteria regex = Criteria.where("name").regex(
                Pattern.compile(country_name, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.UNICODE_CASE)               
                   Pattern.compile(code, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.UNICODE_CASE)               
        Query query = new Query().addCriteria(regex);
        return mongoOperations.exists(query, Country.class);

wird der Test vollständig durchgelaufen. Mir persönlich würde aber das "original" besser gefallen, da es in einer Statement abgehandelt wird und nicht in zwei.
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