Socket ObjectIn/OutputStream



Habe grad mal anhand eines Tutorials im Internet eine simple Client Server Anwendung in Form eines Chats nachgebastelt um ein paar Sachen zu testen. Die ANwendung funktioniert einwandfrei. Ich habe allerdings ein Fehler dessen Ursache ich nicht herausfinde. Wenn ein Client innerhalb kurer Zeit mehrere ChatMessage Objekte abschickt und dann ein weitere CLient versucht sich zu verbinden, schlägt dies Fehl. Ecplise gibt daraufhin folgende Fehlermeldung:

Thread trying to create Object Input/Output Streams
Exception in thread "Thread-3" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: bad position: 386
	at javax.swing.text.JTextComponent.setCaretPosition(Unknown Source)
	at view.ServerGUI.appendEvent(
	at server.Server.display(
	at server.Server.access$2(
	at server.Server$ClientThread.<init>(
	at server.Server.start(
	at view.ServerGUI$

Das Debuggig bestätigt, was aus der Konsolenausgabe schon hervorgeht. Das ganze kracht, wenn versucht wird im für den neuen CLient erzeugten Thread die 2 Object Streams zu erstellen. Hat jemand eine Idee woran das liegen könnte?

Hier unten befinden sich noch die 5 entsprechenden Klassen...

 * This class defines the different type of messages that will be exchanged between the
 * Clients and the Server. 
 * When talking from a Java Client to a Java Server a lot easier to pass Java objects, no 
 * need to count bytes or to wait for a line feed at the end of the frame
public class ChatMessage implements Serializable {

	protected static final long serialVersionUID = 1112122200L;

	// The different types of message sent by the Client
	// WHOISIN to receive the list of the users connected
	// MESSAGE an ordinary message
	// LOGOUT to disconnect from the Server
	static final int WHOISIN = 0, MESSAGE = 1, LOGOUT = 2;
	private int type;
	private String message;
	// constructor
	ChatMessage(int type, String message) {
		this.type = type;
		this.message = message;
	// getters
	int getType() {
		return type;
	String getMessage() {
		return message;

import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.*;

 * The server that can be run both as a console application or a GUI
public class Server {
	// a unique ID for each connection
	private static int uniqueId;
	// an ArrayList to keep the list of the Client
	private ArrayList<ClientThread> al;
	// if I am in a GUI
	private ServerGUI sg;
	// to display time
	private SimpleDateFormat sdf;
	// the port number to listen for connection
	private int port;
	// the boolean that will be turned of to stop the server
	private boolean keepGoing;

	 *  server constructor that receive the port to listen to for connection as parameter
	 *  in console
	public Server(int port) {
		this(port, null);
	public Server(int port, ServerGUI sg) {
		// GUI or not = sg;
		// the port
		this.port = port;
		// to display hh:mm:ss
		sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm:ss");
		// ArrayList for the Client list
		al = new ArrayList<ClientThread>();
	public void start() {
		keepGoing = true;
		/* create socket server and wait for connection requests */
			// the socket used by the server
			ServerSocket serverSocket = new ServerSocket(port);

			// infinite loop to wait for connections
				// format message saying we are waiting
				display("Server waiting for Clients on port " + port + ".");
				Socket socket = serverSocket.accept();  	// accept connection
				// if I was asked to stop
				ClientThread t = new ClientThread(socket);  // make a thread of it
				al.add(t);									// save it in the ArrayList
			// I was asked to stop
			try {
				for(int i = 0; i < al.size(); ++i) {
					ClientThread tc = al.get(i);
					try {
					catch(IOException ioE) {
						// not much I can do
			catch(Exception e) {
				display("Exception closing the server and clients: " + e);
		// something went bad
		catch (IOException e) {
            String msg = sdf.format(new Date()) + " Exception on new ServerSocket: " + e + "\n";
     * For the GUI to stop the server
	protected void stop() {
		keepGoing = false;
		// connect to myself as Client to exit statement 
		// Socket socket = serverSocket.accept();
		try {
			new Socket("localhost", port);
		catch(Exception e) {
			// nothing I can really do
	 * Display an event (not a message) to the console or the GUI
	private void display(String msg) {
		String time = sdf.format(new Date()) + " " + msg;
		if(sg == null)
			sg.appendEvent(time + "\n");
	 *  to broadcast a message to all Clients
	private synchronized void broadcast(String message) {
		// add HH:mm:ss and \n to the message
		String time = sdf.format(new Date());
		String messageLf = time + " " + message + "\n";
		// display message on console or GUI
		if(sg == null)
			sg.appendRoom(messageLf);     // append in the room window
		// we loop in reverse order in case we would have to remove a Client
		// because it has disconnected
		for(int i = al.size(); --i >= 0;) {
			ClientThread ct = al.get(i);
			// try to write to the Client if it fails remove it from the list
			if(!ct.writeMsg(messageLf)) {
				display("Disconnected Client " + ct.username + " removed from list.");

	// for a client who logoff using the LOGOUT message
	synchronized void remove(int id) {
		// scan the array list until we found the Id
		for(int i = 0; i < al.size(); ++i) {
			ClientThread ct = al.get(i);
			// found it
			if( == id) {
	 *  To run as a console application just open a console window and: 
	 * > java Server
	 * > java Server portNumber
	 * If the port number is not specified 1500 is used
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		// start server on port 1500 unless a PortNumber is specified 
		int portNumber = 1500;
		switch(args.length) {
			case 1:
				try {
					portNumber = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
				catch(Exception e) {
					System.out.println("Invalid port number.");
					System.out.println("Usage is: > java Server [portNumber]");
			case 0:
				System.out.println("Usage is: > java Server [portNumber]");
		// create a server object and start it
		Server server = new Server(portNumber);

	/** One instance of this thread will run for each client */
	class ClientThread extends Thread {
		// the socket where to listen/talk
		Socket socket;
		ObjectInputStream sInput;
		ObjectOutputStream sOutput;
		// my unique id (easier for deconnection)
		int id;
		// the Username of the Client
		String username;
		// the only type of message a will receive
		ChatMessage cm;
		// the date I connect
		String date;

		// Constructore
		ClientThread(Socket socket) {
			// a unique id
			id = ++uniqueId;
			this.socket = socket;
			/* Creating both Data Stream */
			System.out.println("Thread trying to create Object Input/Output Streams");
				// create output first
				sOutput = new ObjectOutputStream(socket.getOutputStream());
				sInput  = new ObjectInputStream(socket.getInputStream());
				// read the username
				username = (String) sInput.readObject();
				display(username + " just connected.");
			catch (IOException e) {
				display("Exception creating new Input/output Streams: " + e);
			// have to catch ClassNotFoundException
			// but I read a String, I am sure it will work
			catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
            date = new Date().toString() + "\n";

		// what will run forever
		public void run() {
			// to loop until LOGOUT
			boolean keepGoing = true;
			while(keepGoing) {
				// read a String (which is an object)
				try {
					cm = (ChatMessage) sInput.readObject();
				catch (IOException e) {
					display(username + " Exception reading Streams: " + e);
				catch(ClassNotFoundException e2) {
				// the messaage part of the ChatMessage
				String message = cm.getMessage();

				// Switch on the type of message receive
				switch(cm.getType()) {

				case ChatMessage.MESSAGE:
					broadcast(username + ": " + message);
				case ChatMessage.LOGOUT:
					display(username + " disconnected with a LOGOUT message.");
					keepGoing = false;
				case ChatMessage.WHOISIN:
					writeMsg("List of the users connected at " + sdf.format(new Date()) + "\n");
					// scan al the users connected
					for(int i = 0; i < al.size(); ++i) {
						ClientThread ct = al.get(i);
						writeMsg((i+1) + ") " + ct.username + " since " +;
			// remove myself from the arrayList containing the list of the
			// connected Clients
		// try to close everything
		private void close() {
			// try to close the connection
			try {
				if(sOutput != null) sOutput.close();
			catch(Exception e) {}
			try {
				if(sInput != null) sInput.close();
			catch(Exception e) {};
			try {
				if(socket != null) socket.close();
			catch (Exception e) {}

		 * Write a String to the Client output stream
		private boolean writeMsg(String msg) {
			// if Client is still connected send the message to it
			if(!socket.isConnected()) {
				return false;
			// write the message to the stream
			try {
			// if an error occurs, do not abort just inform the user
			catch(IOException e) {
				display("Error sending message to " + username);
			return true;

import java.util.*;

 * The Client that can be run both as a console or a GUI
public class Client  {

	// for I/O
	private ObjectInputStream sInput;		// to read from the socket
	private ObjectOutputStream sOutput;		// to write on the socket
	private Socket socket;

	// if I use a GUI or not
	private ClientGUI cg;
	// the server, the port and the username
	private String server, username;
	private int port;

	 *  Constructor called by console mode
	 *  server: the server address
	 *  port: the port number
	 *  username: the username
	Client(String server, int port, String username) {
		// which calls the common constructor with the GUI set to null
		this(server, port, username, null);

	 * Constructor call when used from a GUI
	 * in console mode the ClienGUI parameter is null
	Client(String server, int port, String username, ClientGUI cg) {
		this.server = server;
		this.port = port;
		this.username = username;
		// save if we are in GUI mode or not = cg;
	 * To start the dialog
	public boolean start() {
		// try to connect to the server
		try {
			socket = new Socket(server, port);
		// if it failed not much I can so
		catch(Exception ec) {
			display("Error connectiong to server:" + ec);
			return false;
		String msg = "Connection accepted " + socket.getInetAddress() + ":" + socket.getPort();
		/* Creating both Data Stream */
			sInput  = new ObjectInputStream(socket.getInputStream());
			sOutput = new ObjectOutputStream(socket.getOutputStream());
		catch (IOException eIO) {
			display("Exception creating new Input/output Streams: " + eIO);
			return false;

		// creates the Thread to listen from the server 
		new ListenFromServer().start();
		// Send our username to the server this is the only message that we
		// will send as a String. All other messages will be ChatMessage objects
		catch (IOException eIO) {
			display("Exception doing login : " + eIO);
			return false;
		// success we inform the caller that it worked
		return true;

	 * To send a message to the console or the GUI
	private void display(String msg) {
		if(cg == null)
			System.out.println(msg);      // println in console mode
			cg.append(msg + "\n");		// append to the ClientGUI JTextArea (or whatever)
	 * To send a message to the server
	void sendMessage(ChatMessage msg) {
		try {
		catch(IOException e) {
			display("Exception writing to server: " + e);

	 * When something goes wrong
	 * Close the Input/Output streams and disconnect not much to do in the catch clause
	private void disconnect() {
		try { 
			if(sInput != null) sInput.close();
		catch(Exception e) {} // not much else I can do
		try {
			if(sOutput != null) sOutput.close();
		catch(Exception e) {} // not much else I can do
			if(socket != null) socket.close();
		catch(Exception e) {} // not much else I can do
		// inform the GUI
		if(cg != null)
	 * To start the Client in console mode use one of the following command
	 * > java Client
	 * > java Client username
	 * > java Client username portNumber
	 * > java Client username portNumber serverAddress
	 * at the console prompt
	 * If the portNumber is not specified 1500 is used
	 * If the serverAddress is not specified "localHost" is used
	 * If the username is not specified "Anonymous" is used
	 * > java Client 
	 * is equivalent to
	 * > java Client Anonymous 1500 localhost 
	 * are eqquivalent
	 * In console mode, if an error occurs the program simply stops
	 * when a GUI id used, the GUI is informed of the disconnection
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		// default values
		int portNumber = 1500;
		String serverAddress = "localhost";
		String userName = "Anonymous";

		// depending of the number of arguments provided we fall through
		switch(args.length) {
			// > javac Client username portNumber serverAddr
			case 3:
				serverAddress = args[2];
			// > javac Client username portNumber
			case 2:
				try {
					portNumber = Integer.parseInt(args[1]);
				catch(Exception e) {
					System.out.println("Invalid port number.");
					System.out.println("Usage is: > java Client [username] [portNumber] [serverAddress]");
			// > javac Client username
			case 1: 
				userName = args[0];
			// > java Client
			case 0:
			// invalid number of arguments
				System.out.println("Usage is: > java Client [username] [portNumber] {serverAddress]");
		// create the Client object
		Client client = new Client(serverAddress, portNumber, userName);
		// test if we can start the connection to the Server
		// if it failed nothing we can do
		// wait for messages from user
		Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
		// loop forever for message from the user
		while(true) {
			System.out.print("> ");
			// read message from user
			String msg = scan.nextLine();
			// logout if message is LOGOUT
			if(msg.equalsIgnoreCase("LOGOUT")) {
				client.sendMessage(new ChatMessage(ChatMessage.LOGOUT, ""));
				// break to do the disconnect
			// message WhoIsIn
			else if(msg.equalsIgnoreCase("WHOISIN")) {
				client.sendMessage(new ChatMessage(ChatMessage.WHOISIN, ""));				
			else {				// default to ordinary message
				client.sendMessage(new ChatMessage(ChatMessage.MESSAGE, msg));
		// done disconnect

	 * a class that waits for the message from the server and append them to the JTextArea
	 * if we have a GUI or simply System.out.println() it in console mode
	class ListenFromServer extends Thread {

		public void run() {
			while(true) {
				try {
					String msg = (String) sInput.readObject();
					// if console mode print the message and add back the prompt
					if(cg == null) {
						System.out.print("> ");
					else {
				catch(IOException e) {
					display("Server has close the connection: " + e);
					if(cg != null) 
				// can't happen with a String object but need the catch anyhow
				catch(ClassNotFoundException e2) {

import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;

 * The server as a GUI
public class ServerGUI extends JFrame implements ActionListener, WindowListener {
	private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
	// the stop and start buttons
	private JButton stopStart;
	// JTextArea for the chat room and the events
	private JTextArea chat, event;
	// The port number
	private JTextField tPortNumber;
	// my server
	private Server server;
	// server constructor that receive the port to listen to for connection as parameter
	ServerGUI(int port) {
		super("Chat Server");
		server = null;
		// in the NorthPanel the PortNumber the Start and Stop buttons
		JPanel north = new JPanel();
		north.add(new JLabel("Port number: "));
		tPortNumber = new JTextField("  " + port);
		// to stop or start the server, we start with "Start"
		stopStart = new JButton("Start");
		add(north, BorderLayout.NORTH);
		// the event and chat room
		JPanel center = new JPanel(new GridLayout(2,1));
		chat = new JTextArea(80,80);
		appendRoom("Chat room.\n");
		center.add(new JScrollPane(chat));
		event = new JTextArea(80,80);
		appendEvent("Events log.\n");
		center.add(new JScrollPane(event));	
		// need to be informed when the user click the close button on the frame
		setSize(400, 600);

	// append message to the two JTextArea
	// position at the end
	void appendRoom(String str) {
		chat.setCaretPosition(chat.getText().length() - 1);
	void appendEvent(String str) {
		event.setCaretPosition(chat.getText().length() - 1);
	// start or stop where clicked
	public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
		// if running we have to stop
		if(server != null) {
			server = null;
      	// OK start the server	
		int port;
		try {
			port = Integer.parseInt(tPortNumber.getText().trim());
		catch(Exception er) {
			appendEvent("Invalid port number");
		// ceate a new Server
		server = new Server(port, this);
		// and start it as a thread
		new ServerRunning().start();
	// entry point to start the Server
	public static void main(String[] arg) {
		// start server default port 1500
		new ServerGUI(1500);

	 * If the user click the X button to close the application
	 * I need to close the connection with the server to free the port
	public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {
		// if my Server exist
		if(server != null) {
			try {
				server.stop();			// ask the server to close the conection
			catch(Exception eClose) {
			server = null;
		// dispose the frame
	// I can ignore the other WindowListener method
	public void windowClosed(WindowEvent e) {}
	public void windowOpened(WindowEvent e) {}
	public void windowIconified(WindowEvent e) {}
	public void windowDeiconified(WindowEvent e) {}
	public void windowActivated(WindowEvent e) {}
	public void windowDeactivated(WindowEvent e) {}

	 * A thread to run the Server
	class ServerRunning extends Thread {
		public void run() {
			server.start();         // should execute until if fails
			// the server failed
			appendEvent("Server crashed\n");
			server = null;



import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;

 * The Client with its GUI
public class ClientGUI extends JFrame implements ActionListener {

	private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
	// will first hold "Username:", later on "Enter message"
	private JLabel label;
	// to hold the Username and later on the messages
	private JTextField tf;
	// to hold the server address an the port number
	private JTextField tfServer, tfPort;
	// to Logout and get the list of the users
	private JButton login, logout, whoIsIn;
	// for the chat room
	private JTextArea ta;
	// if it is for connection
	private boolean connected;
	// the Client object
	private Client client;
	// the default port number
	private int defaultPort;
	private String defaultHost;

	// Constructor connection receiving a socket number
	ClientGUI(String host, int port) {

		super("Chat Client");
		defaultPort = port;
		defaultHost = host;
		// The NorthPanel with:
		JPanel northPanel = new JPanel(new GridLayout(3,1));
		// the server name anmd the port number
		JPanel serverAndPort = new JPanel(new GridLayout(1,5, 1, 3));
		// the two JTextField with default value for server address and port number
		tfServer = new JTextField(host);
		tfPort = new JTextField("" + port);

		serverAndPort.add(new JLabel("Server Address:  "));
		serverAndPort.add(new JLabel("Port Number:  "));
		serverAndPort.add(new JLabel(""));
		// adds the Server an port field to the GUI

		// the Label and the TextField
		label = new JLabel("Enter your username below", SwingConstants.CENTER);
		tf = new JTextField("Anonymous");
		add(northPanel, BorderLayout.NORTH);

		// The CenterPanel which is the chat room
		ta = new JTextArea("Welcome to the Chat room\n", 80, 80);
		JPanel centerPanel = new JPanel(new GridLayout(1,1));
		centerPanel.add(new JScrollPane(ta));
		add(centerPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER);

		// the 3 buttons
		login = new JButton("Login");
		logout = new JButton("Logout");
		logout.setEnabled(false);		// you have to login before being able to logout
		whoIsIn = new JButton("Who is in");
		whoIsIn.setEnabled(false);		// you have to login before being able to Who is in

		JPanel southPanel = new JPanel();
		add(southPanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH);

		setSize(600, 600);


	// called by the Client to append text in the TextArea 
	void append(String str) {
		ta.setCaretPosition(ta.getText().length() - 1);
	// called by the GUI is the connection failed
	// we reset our buttons, label, textfield
	void connectionFailed() {
		label.setText("Enter your username below");
		// reset port number and host name as a construction time
		tfPort.setText("" + defaultPort);
		// let the user change them
		// don't react to a <CR> after the username
		connected = false;
	* Button or JTextField clicked
	public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
		Object o = e.getSource();
		// if it is the Logout button
		if(o == logout) {
			client.sendMessage(new ChatMessage(ChatMessage.LOGOUT, ""));
		// if it the who is in button
		if(o == whoIsIn) {
			client.sendMessage(new ChatMessage(ChatMessage.WHOISIN, ""));				

		// ok it is coming from the JTextField
		if(connected) {
			// just have to send the message
			client.sendMessage(new ChatMessage(ChatMessage.MESSAGE, tf.getText()));				

		if(o == login) {
			// ok it is a connection request
			String username = tf.getText().trim();
			// empty username ignore it
			if(username.length() == 0)
			// empty serverAddress ignore it
			String server = tfServer.getText().trim();
			if(server.length() == 0)
			// empty or invalid port numer, ignore it
			String portNumber = tfPort.getText().trim();
			if(portNumber.length() == 0)
			int port = 0;
			try {
				port = Integer.parseInt(portNumber);
			catch(Exception en) {
				return;   // nothing I can do if port number is not valid

			// try creating a new Client with GUI
			client = new Client(server, port, username, this);
			// test if we can start the Client
			label.setText("Enter your message below");
			connected = true;
			// disable login button
			// enable the 2 buttons
			// disable the Server and Port JTextField
			// Action listener for when the user enter a message


	// to start the whole thing the server
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		new ClientGUI("localhost", 1500);




Danke... Das habt mir sehr geholfen. Die Server GUI kommt da irgendwie nicht hinterher.. Wenn man die 2 Methoden appendEvent sowie appendRoom weglässt / den Server direkt via Konsole laufen lässt, gibt es keine Probleme.. Hat auch jemand eine zündene Idee, wieso der Server bei zu vielen zu verarbeitenden Objekten wegen dieser 2 Merhoden in die Knie geht?
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