HowTo: realising graphs


Hello dear forum,
i m looking for a possibilitity to create something like JPA Entity Graphs.
Plz take a look at this one:

It must not be with active components. What framework or api do i need therefore?

Thanks in advice
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Top Contributor
@DerWissende don't be such a dick! :eek: That's usually my part! :D

@derMicki You already asked for JPA, so... Use the implementation by Hibernate (default provider on Spring Boot) or EclipseLink.
More info here on StackOverflow, where there already is a list of JPA implementations:

In general this is a kind of question that could be - IMHO - easily be solved by simply googling for it. Nevertheless, there are, obviously, other options as well: If you already have a running database (with the schema and so on), it could be a viable solution to check out jOOQ.

And, as @DerWissende mentioned, there is no need to externaly upload an image, just integrate it here on this site.

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