Can someone please tell me how to use a debugger in BlueJ(a Java environment)


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I'm a student, trying to learn Java. In my school, it is compulsory for someone learning Java to use BlueJ, which is somewhat like a bit simplified version of other Java software, like Visual Studio or Eclipse, etc. I think y'all know better than me about this btw...

I'm trying to solve many problems on LeetCode, etc. I encounter many errors; most of them, I solve by myself with just some trial and error, but some can't just be processed by my mind. Yesterday, I discovered that there is a debugger in BlueJ as well. I tried to use it somehow, but I don't understand how it works. I also saw many videos on YouTube but didn't understand everything.

I can see that it shows the static variables, instance variables, and local variables, but other than that, it's game over for me.

So can someone just explain how it works?

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Top Contributor
The debugger is a tool for gaining insights into what's going on, (maybe) not for changing values "on the fly":
Btw: BlueJ is a good IDE for beginners, in the long run other IDEs like IntelliJ, Eclipse, NetBeans, VS Code (+ Java Plugin),,... should be preferred.
And a "public static void main(String[] args"-method (only as launcher) should (manually) be implemented in BlueJ-Code in order to be able to transfer Java-Code to other environments.
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