Ajax (The XMLHttpRequest Object)


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//package client
<!DOCTYPE html>


    <h1>The XMLHttpRequest Object</h1>

    <h3>Start typing a name in the input field below:</h3>

    <form action="">
        First name:
        <input type="text" id="txt1" onkeyup="showHint(this.value)">

    <p>Suggestions: <span id="txtHint"></span></p>

        function showHint(str) {
            var xhttp;
            if (str.length == 0) {
                document.getElementById("txtHint").innerHTML = "";
            xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
            xhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {
                if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) {
                    document.getElementById("txtHint").innerHTML = this.responseText;
            xhttp.open("GET", "/server/3-gethint.php?q=" + encodeURIComponent(str), true);




//package server

// Array with names
$a[] = "Anna";
$a[] = "Brittany";
$a[] = "Cinderella";
$a[] = "Diana";
$a[] = "Dibo";
$a[] = "Dietrich";
$a[] = "Eva";
$a[] = "Fiona";
$a[] = "Gunda";
$a[] = "Hege";
$a[] = "Inga";
$a[] = "Johanna";
$a[] = "Kitty";
$a[] = "Linda";
$a[] = "Nina";
$a[] = "Ophelia";
$a[] = "Petunia";
$a[] = "Amanda";
$a[] = "Raquel";
$a[] = "Cindy";
$a[] = "Doris";
$a[] = "Eve";
$a[] = "Evita";
$a[] = "Sunniva";
$a[] = "Tove";
$a[] = "Unni";
$a[] = "Violet";
$a[] = "Liza";
$a[] = "Elizabeth";
$a[] = "Ellen";
$a[] = "Wenche";
$a[] = "Vicky";

// get the q parameter from URL or POST
$q = $_REQUEST["q"];

$hint = "";

// lookup all hints from array if $q is different from ""
if ($q != null && $q !== "") {
    foreach($a as $name) {
        if (stristr($q, substr($name, 0, $len))) {
            if ($hint === "") {
                $hint = $name;
            } else {
                $hint .= ", $name";

// Output "no suggestion" if no hint was found or output correct values
echo $hint === "" ? "no suggestion" : $hint;

mir scheint, dass this.responseText in der Zeile 28 nicht funktioniert. Er ist nicht null, aber gibt nix aus....

Woran liegt das, könnte mir jemand helfen?

Vielen Dank im Voraus


Bekanntes Mitglied
Mach doch einfach mal ein

ConsoleAgent: <?php // Array with names $a[] = "Anna"; $a[] = "Brittany"; $a[] = "Cinderella"; $a[] = "Diana"; $a[] = "Dibo"; $a[] = "Dietrich"; $a[] = "Eva"; $a[] = "Fiona"; $a[] = "Gunda"; $a[] = "Hege"; $a[] = "Inga"; $a[] = "Johanna"; $a[] = "Kitty"; $a[] = "Linda"; $a[] = "Nina"; $a[] = "Ophelia"; $a[] = "Petunia"; $a[] = "Amanda"; $a[] = "Raquel"; $a[] = "Cindy"; $a[] = "Doris"; $a[] = "Eve"; $a[] = "Evita"; $a[] = "Sunniva"; $a[] = "Tove"; $a[] = "Unni"; $a[] = "Violet"; $a[] = "Liza"; $a[] = "Elizabeth"; $a[] = "Ellen"; $a[] = "Wenche"; $a[] = "Vicky"; // get the q parameter from URL or POST $q = $_REQUEST["q"]; $hint = ""; // lookup all hints from array if $q is different from "" if ($q != null && $q !== "") { $len=strlen($q); foreach($a as $name) { if (stristr($q, substr($name, 0, $len))) { if ($hint === "") { $hint = $name; } else { $hint .= ", $name"; } } } } // Output "no suggestion" if no hint was found or output correct values echo $hint === "" ? "no suggestion" : $hint; ?> (url:

mit console.log(this.responseTex) wurde ganze serverseite ausgegeben

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