Verstehe Bufferreader prinzip nicht


Bekanntes Mitglied
Hi Leute,

bin nicht der Erfahrenste im Thema Java! Ich versuch grad aus Java Matlab zu starten und hab folgendes gefunden:

package MatlabRuntimeInterface;
import java.lang.Runtime;

public class Engine {
	 * The constructor initializes the buffer storing Matlab's output.
	public Engine() {
		// Initialize the ouput buffer (stores Matlab's output).
		outputBuffer = new char[DEFAULT_BUFFERSIZE];

	// indicates wether a Matlab session is currently open or closed
	private boolean isOpen = false;

	// a handle to the Matlab process
	private Process p;

	// the output stream of the Matlab process is piped to the stream 'in'
	private BufferedReader in;

	// the input stream of the Matlab process is piped to the stream 'out'
	private BufferedWriter out;

	// the error stream is piped to the stream 'err'
	private BufferedReader err;

	// Buffer size for receiving Matlab output. If buffer is full, remaining
	// data is retrieved and discarded.
	static final int DEFAULT_BUFFERSIZE = 65536;
        private char[] outputBuffer;

	// Once the output buffer is full, the remaining data is discarded into
	// a buffer, reading DEFAULT_SKIP characters at a time.
	private static final int DEFAULT_SKIP = 65536;

	// Stores the actual number of bytes read after last command.
	private int totalCharsRead;

	 * Starts a Matlab session on the current host using the command 'matlab'.
	 * @throws IOException Thrown if invoking Matlab was not successful.
	public void open() throws IOException {

	 * Starts a process using the string passed as an argument.
	 * The operating system executes the string passed in as argument  
	 * <it>litteraly</it>.<br>
	 * Examples for starting Matlab (Unix-based systems):<br>
	 * <ul>
	 * <li> <code>startcmd = "matlab -nojvm -nosplash"</code> starts Matlab 
	 * on the current host without splash screen and whithout Java support.
	 * <li> <code>startcmd = "rsh hostname \"/bin/csh -c 
	 * 'setenv DISPLAY hostname:0; matlab'\""</code> starts Matlab on the host 
	 * "hostname" (under Linux).
	 * <li> <code>startcmd = "ssh hostname /bin/csh -c 
	 * 'setenv DISPLAY hostname:0; matlab'"</code> starts Matlab through a 
	 * secure shell (under Linux).
	 * </ul>
	 * @param startcmd The start command string.
	 * @throws IOException Thrown if starting the process was not successful.
	public void open(String startcmd) throws IOException {
		if (isOpen) {
			System.err.println("Matlab session already open.");
		try {
			// System.err.println("Opening Matlab...");
			synchronized(this) {
				p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("matlab");
				// get handle on the input/output strings
				out = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(p.getOutputStream()));
				in  = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(p.getInputStream()));
				err = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(p.getErrorStream()));
				isOpen = true;

                                System.out.println("Open try");
			// Wait for the Matlab process to respond.
		catch(IOException e) {
      System.err.println("Matlab could not be opened.");

	 * Shuts down the Matlab session. After the "exit" command is written to
	 * the output stream to close Matlab, the method waits for the Matlab
	 * process to terminate. Finally, the input and the output streams are 
	 * closed.
	 * @throws InterruptedException Thrown if interrupt occured while waiting
	 *                              for the Matlab process to terminate. 
	 * @throws IOException Thrown if I/O streams could not be closed.
	public void close() throws InterruptedException, IOException {
		// System.err.println("Closing the Matlab session...");
		try {
			synchronized(this) {
				isOpen = false;
                                System.out.println("close try_in");
                        System.out.println("Open try_out");
		catch(InterruptedException e) {
		catch(IOException e) {
			System.err.println("Error while closing input/output streams.");

	 * Send data to the Matlab process.
	private void send(String str) throws IOException {
 		try {
			// System.err.println("Evaluation string: "+str);
			// Adding the end of line character sequence will cause the Matlab
			// process to execute the command string.
			synchronized(this) {
				// write string to Matlab's input stream
				out.write(str, 0, str.length());

                        System.out.println("Send try");
		catch(IOException e) {
			System.err.println("IOException occured while sending data to the"
												 +" Matlab process.");

	 * Skip over data from the Matlab output.
	 * Instead of directly using the skip method of the BufferedReader,
	 * it was necessary to use read instead, since skip did work properly
	 * with our Java version (J2RE SE, 1.4.1) and operating system (Linux).
	 * The skip method of BufferedReader used to block instead of returning
	 * the actual number of characters skipped.
	private void skip() throws IOException {
		char[] skipBuffer = new char[DEFAULT_SKIP];
		while(in.ready()) {,0,DEFAULT_SKIP);


		System.err.println("Warning: Some output information was "+
                                   "dropped, since the available number of "+
                                   "bytes exceeded the output buffer "+
	 * Receive data from the Matlab process.
	private void receive()  {

		int charsRead = 0;
		int numberToRead;
		totalCharsRead = 0;
		// System.err.println("Receiving...");
 		try {
                        System.out.println("receive try_start");
			synchronized(this) {
				while (totalCharsRead == 0) {
					while (in.ready()) {
						if ((numberToRead = DEFAULT_BUFFERSIZE-totalCharsRead) > 0) {
							charsRead =, totalCharsRead, numberToRead);
							if (charsRead > 0) {
								totalCharsRead += charsRead;
						else {
                        System.out.println("receive try_end");
		catch(IOException e) {
			System.err.println("IOException occured while receiving data from"
					  +" the Matlab process.");
//			throw(e);

	 * Evaluates the expression contained in <code>str</code> using
	 * the current Matlab session, previously started by <code>open</code>.
	 * Note: The method blocks until the result stream is received from
	 * Matlab. The result is written to a private buffer, and may be
	 * retrieved with <code>getOutputString</code>.
	 * @param str Expression to be evaluated.
	 * @throws IOException Thrown if data could not be sent to Matlab. This
	 *                     may happen if Matlab is no longer running.
	 * @see #open
	 * @see #getOutputString
	public void evalString(String str) throws IOException {

	 * Reads a maximum of <code>numberOfChars</code> characters from the 
	 * buffer containg Matlab's output.
	 * @return string containing the Matlab output.
	 * @see #open
	public String getOutputString (int numberOfChars) {
		if (totalCharsRead < numberOfChars) numberOfChars = totalCharsRead;

		char[] result = new char[numberOfChars];
		System.arraycopy(outputBuffer, 0, result, 0, numberOfChars);
		return new String(result);

Ich verstehe die Methode "receive()" nicht ganz. Besonders verstehe ich die Zeile
while (in.ready()) {
nicht. Auf was wartet er! Er kommt aus ieser Schleie nicht raus!;(
Würde mich über jede Anregung freuen!


Top Contributor
"True if the next read() is guaranteed not to block for input, false otherwise. Note that returning false does not guarantee that the next read will block."

was jetzt genau unter geblockt zu verstehen ist weiß ich auch net genau :). while (x.ready()) wird solange ausgeführt, bis der puffer leer ist. ich vermute mal, die schleife ist äquivalent zu:

Sting line;
for ( ( line = x.readLine() ) != null ) {

aber das ist nur eine Vermutung, die auch gut widerlegt werden kann (theoretisch - funktionell glaube ich schon, dass es das Gleiche ist). Ich selbst benutze die ready() methode nie. Habe sie letztens hier in einem CodeSchnipsel auch zum ersten Mal gesehn.
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