Code snippets


package group.msg.gby.persistence;

//import are hidden

public class ProtocolDAO {
    private static ProtocolDAO instance;

  private static ProtocolDAO instance;

     * Returns always the same instance of ProtocolDAO.
     * @return an instance of ProtocolDAO.
    public static ProtocolDAO getInstance() {
        if (null == instance) {
            instance = new ProtocolDAO();
        return instance;

     * Inserts a new protocol with protocol entries into the database.
     * @param protocol the Protocol object to be inserted.
     * @throws SQLException if a database access error occurs.
    public void createProtocolInDB(Protocol protocol) throws SQLException {

        String sql = "INSERT INTO protocol (protocol_id, meeting_date, start_time) VALUES (?, ?, ?)";

        int id = getNextValueOfSequenceForTableProtocol();

        try (PreparedStatement statement = DB_Connection.getStatement().getConnection().prepareStatement(sql)) {
            statement.setInt(1, id);
            statement.setDate(2, getValidDate(protocol.getMeetingDate()));
            statement.setTime(3, getValidTime(protocol.getStartTime()));


        String sql2 = "INSERT INTO protocolentry (protocol_entry_id, topic, agenda_item, " +
                "sub_agenda_item, resubmission_date, delete_date, remark, protocol_id)" +
                "VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)";

        for (ProtocolEntry pe : protocol.getProtocolEntries()) {
            try (PreparedStatement statement = DB_Connection.getStatement().getConnection().prepareStatement(sql2)) {
                statement.setInt(1, getNextValueOfSequenceForTableProtocolEntry());
                statement.setString(2, pe.getTopic());
                statement.setInt(3, pe.getItemNumber());
                statement.setInt(4, pe.getSubItemNumber());
                statement.setDate(5, getValidDate(pe.getResubmissionDate()));
                statement.setDate(6, getValidDate(pe.getDeleteDate()));
                statement.setString(7, pe.getRemark());
                statement.setInt(8, id);


     * Searches for protocols in the database and returns a List of protocols that match the search criteria.
     * @param meetingDate the meeting date to search for.
     * @param resubmissionDate is later than the resubmission date to search for.
     * @param deleteDate is later than the delete date to search for.
     * @param wordTopic is, in the column topic to search for.
     * @param wordRemark is, in the column remark to search for.
     * @return a List of Protocol objects that match the search criteria.
     * @throws SQLException if a database access error occurs.
    public List<Protocol> searchInProtocolsInDBAsList(LocalDate meetingDate, LocalDate resubmissionDate, LocalDate deleteDate,
                                                String wordTopic, String wordRemark) throws SQLException {

        List<Protocol> myList = new ArrayList<>();

        String sql = "SELECT pe.protocol_id, pe.protocol_entry_id FROM protocol p, protocolentry pe " +
                "WHERE pe.protocol_id=p.protocol_id " +
                "AND topic ilike ? " +
                "AND remark ilike ? " +
                "AND (meeting_date = COALESCE(?, meeting_date)) " +
                "AND (COALESCE(resubmission_date,'9999-12-30') < COALESCE(?, resubmission_date + 1, '9999-12-31')) " +
                "AND (COALESCE(delete_date, '9999-12-30') < COALESCE(?, delete_date + 1, '9999-12-31')) " +
                "ORDER BY meeting_date, delete_date DESC";

        try (PreparedStatement statement = DB_Connection.getStatement().getConnection().prepareStatement(sql)) {

            statement.setString(1,  (null != wordTopic ? ("%" + wordTopic.trim() + "%") : "%%" ));
            statement.setString(2, (null != wordRemark ? ("%" + wordRemark.trim() + "%") : "%%" ));
            statement.setDate(3, getValidDate(meetingDate));
            statement.setDate(4, getValidDate(resubmissionDate));
            statement.setDate(5, getValidDate(deleteDate));

            ResultSet rs = statement.executeQuery();

            while ( {
                Protocol protocol = getProtocol(rs.getInt(1), false);
                ProtocolEntry protocolEntry = getProtocolEntry(rs.getInt(2));

                boolean found = false;
                for (Protocol p : myList) {
                    if (p.equals(protocol)) {
                        found = true;
                if (!found) {
        return myList;
     * Retrieves all the {@link ProtocolEntry} objects associated with a particular protocol identified by the given
     * {@code protocolID}, sorted by their {@code delete_date} in descending order.
     * @param protocolID the ID of the protocol to retrieve the entries for
     * @return a {@link Set} of {@link ProtocolEntry} objects associated with the protocol
     * @throws SQLException if an error occurs while accessing the database
    public Set<ProtocolEntry> getAllProtocolEntriesOfAProtocol(int protocolID) throws SQLException {
        String sql = "SELECT * FROM protocolentry WHERE protocol_id = ? ORDER BY delete_date DESC";
        Set<ProtocolEntry> result = new HashSet<>();

        try (PreparedStatement statement = DB_Connection.getStatement().getConnection().prepareStatement(sql)) {
            statement.setInt(1, protocolID);

            ResultSet rs = statement.executeQuery();

            while ( {
                ProtocolEntry pe = new ProtocolEntry(
        return result;
     * Updates the protocol entry in the database with the given ProtocolEntry object.
     * @param protocolEntry The ProtocolEntry object containing the updated information.
     * @throws SQLException If there is an error accessing the database.
    public void updateProtocolEntry(ProtocolEntry protocolEntry) throws SQLException {
        String sql = "UPDATE protocolentry SET topic = ?, agenda_item = ?, sub_agenda_item = ?, " +
                "resubmission_date = ?, delete_date = ?, remark = ? WHERE protocol_entry_id = ?";

        try (PreparedStatement statement = DB_Connection.getStatement().getConnection().prepareStatement(sql)) {
            statement.setString(1, protocolEntry.getTopic());
            statement.setInt(2, protocolEntry.getItemNumber());
            statement.setInt(3, protocolEntry.getSubItemNumber());
            statement.setDate(4, getValidDate(protocolEntry.getResubmissionDate()));
            statement.setDate(5, getValidDate(protocolEntry.getDeleteDate()));
            statement.setString(6, protocolEntry.getRemark());
            statement.setInt(7, protocolEntry.getProtocolEntryID());

     * Deletes a protocol entry from the database with the given protocol entry ID.
     * @param protocolEntryID the ID of the protocol entry to be deleted
     * @throws SQLException if an SQL exception occurs while attempting to delete the protocol entry
    public void deleteProtocolEntryInDB(int protocolEntryID) throws SQLException {
        String sql = "DELETE FROM protocolentry WHERE protocol_entry_id = ?";
        try (PreparedStatement statement = DB_Connection.getStatement().getConnection().prepareStatement(sql)) {
            statement.setInt(1, protocolEntryID);



Was man da anbringen kann: Das Singleton ist nicht Thread sicher. Wenn man ein Singleton haben will, dann sollte man eine Variante wählen, die auch thread sicher ist. Es gibt diesbezüglich genug Optionen, die auf diversen Seiten beschrieben werden, wobei der beste Weg wohl der Weg über ein Enum ist. Aber man kann natürlich auch die KLassenvariable direkt beim Laden initialisieren oder, wenn die Variable bei der Abfrage null ist, in einem synchronized Block erneut prüfen, ob die Variable noch null ist um diese dann zu erzeugen.

Und in dem Code fehlt der private Konstruktor.
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