JButton zum ändern Der Schriftart/Schriftgröße


Hallo, Ich bin im Internet über einen Quelltext für einen SpeedReader gestolpert und wollte nun probieren noch jeweils einen Button zum ändern der Schriftgröße/Schriftart einzufügen was mir jedoch nach mehreren Anläufen nicht gelungen ist. Nun bin ich hier gelandet und bitte um Hilfe das Problem zu lösen :D

Bin noch recht unerfahren mit Java und bin daher auch für Verbesserungsvorschläge als auch Tipps offen ^^

package reader;

import javax.swing.*;   //used for user interface
import javax.swing.text.SimpleAttributeSet; //used for changing fonts
import javax.swing.text.StyleConstants; //text styles
import javax.swing.text.StyledDocument; //text styles
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;   //listens for mouse clicks on buttons
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;  //handles button press events
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;   //handles file exceptions
import java.io.FileReader;  //file reader for file input
import java.util.Scanner;   //scanner for input
import java.awt.Font;
import java.awt.GridLayout;
import javax.swing.JFrame;

public class Reader {

    JFrame guiFrame;    //initiate main window frame
    JPanel optPanel;    //initiate option panel
    JFileChooser fileDialog;    //initiate fileDialog
    JTextPane textPane;     //initiate textPane

    int pause = 265;    //set initial reading speed to 200wpm
    int f = 1;      //tracks the colour scheme
    String filePath;    //holds location of the selected file

    public static void main(String[] args) {
         //Use the event dispatch thread for Swing components
         EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable()
             public void run()
                 new Reader();

    public Reader() //Create JFrame and all components
        guiFrame = new JFrame();    //create new instance of the main window
        guiFrame.setDefaultCloseOperation(WindowConstants.EXIT_ON_CLOSE);   //program will exit if window closed
        guiFrame.setTitle("Reader Window");     //title of main window
        guiFrame.setSize(500,200);      //set the size of the main window
        guiFrame.setLocationRelativeTo(null);   //put the window in the middle of the screen
        guiFrame.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); //initiate layout of guiframe

        fileDialog = new JFileChooser();//"C:\\Documents and Settings\\Owner\\My Documents" used to select file to read

        textPane = new JTextPane();     //create new instance of the textpane
        textPane.setEditable(false);    //user cannot edit text in textpane
        Font font = new Font("Serif", Font.BOLD, 22);   //set font and size
        textPane.setFont(font); //set font of textpane
        StyledDocument doc = textPane.getStyledDocument();  //styled document allows allignment options
        SimpleAttributeSet center = new SimpleAttributeSet();       //attribute set to control center alignment
        StyleConstants.setAlignment(center, StyleConstants.ALIGN_CENTER);   //Align text to the center
        doc.setParagraphAttributes(0, doc.getLength(), center, false);  //set formatting options
        textPane.setText("Choose a speed, open a file and start reading");  //initial contents of textpane
        textPane.setVisible(true);      //set textpane to visible
        guiFrame.add(textPane, BorderLayout.CENTER);    //add textpane with word output in center to guiframe

        optPanel = new JPanel();        //add an instance of optPanel
        optPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(1,3));   //set layout of buttons 1 high by 3 wide
        guiFrame.add(optPanel,BorderLayout.NORTH);  //Put the buttons at the bottom of the window

        JButton openButton = new JButton("Open File");  //Create new button
        openButton.setActionCommand("Open File");
        openButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener()
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)
            {   //event happens if file button pressed
                try {
                    openFile();     //call open file method to display file selection window
                } catch (Exception e) {     //catch exception
                    e.printStackTrace();    //used to identify problems
        optPanel.add(openButton);   //add open file button to option panel

        JButton speedButton = new JButton("Select WPM");  //Create new button
        speedButton.setActionCommand("Select WPM");
        speedButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener()
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)
            {   //event happens if user clicks button
                try {
                    setSpeed();     //call set speed method to display speed window
                } catch (Exception e) { //catch exception
                    e.printStackTrace();    //used to identify problems
        optPanel.add(speedButton);  //Add speed selection button to option panel

        JButton changeColours = new JButton("change color");  //Add button to invert colour scheme
        changeColours.setActionCommand("change color");
        changeColours.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) {    //event happens when user clicks button---
                try {
                    if (f == 1) {       //check the current color settings. Currently black on white
                        textPane.setForeground(Color.blue);    //set text colour to white
                        f = 0;          //tracks colour settings
                    } else {                //check the current color settings. currently white on black
                        f = 1;          //tracks colour settings
                } catch (Exception e) {   //catch exception
                    e.printStackTrace();    //used to identify problems
        optPanel.add(changeColours);    //add the colour button to option panel

    //Show a open file dialog box
    private void openFile() throws Exception {  //exception needed to handle files
        int openChoice = fileDialog.showOpenDialog(guiFrame);   //display file chooser window
        if (openChoice == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION){     //user selects a file from file chooser window
            filePath = fileDialog.getSelectedFile().getPath();  //set filepath as the path of the file selected in the filedialog window
            (new Thread(new displayText())).start();    //Start displayText method in separate thread to avoid gui freeze
    private void setSpeed(){        //Method called if speed button pressed
        String[] speeds = { "200", "300", "500", "800" };   //String holds values for drop down box
        JFrame frame = new JFrame("Input required speed in words per minute");  //new frame to select speed
        String speedChoice = (String) JOptionPane.showInputDialog(frame,    //option pane used for easy speed selection
                "What speed would you like?",   //display question to user
                "WPM",          //window title
                JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE,   //standard for option pane
                speeds, //add the string of speeds as options
                speeds[0]); //default is 200
            pause = 265;                    //187 words in 59.877s that's 187.38414wpm (without natural reading pauses)
        else if(speedChoice.equals("300"))
            pause = 160;                    //187 words in 38.522s that's 291.26215wpm (without natural reading pauses)
        else if(speedChoice.equals("500"))
            pause = 75;                     //187 words in 22.451s that's 499.75504wpm (without natural reading pauses)
        else if(speedChoice.equals("800"))
            pause = 28;                     //187 words in 14.006s that's 801.08527wpm (without natural reading pauses)

    public class displayText implements Runnable {  //Run all the display text method within its own thread. Prevents the GUI from becoming unresponsive
        public void run(){
            Scanner in = null;     //Scanner to read the file at chosen location
            try {
                in = new Scanner(new FileReader(filePath));
            } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {   //ignore exception
                e.printStackTrace();    //used to identify problems
            int i =0;       //Number of words in document
            while(in.hasNextLine()){        //read every line of file
                in.next();      //move to next word
                i++;            //increment word counter
            in.close();     //Close Scanner after words have been counted

            try {
                in = new Scanner(new FileReader(filePath));     //New Scanner to start at top of file
            } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {   //ignore exception
                e.printStackTrace();    //used to identify problems
            String[] word = new String[i];      //Array stores each word

            int n = 0;
            long start =0, end; //used to calculate words per minute
            float time;     //will hold time taken to finish article
            float wPM;         //will hold number of words per minute

            for(int k=0; k<i; k++){ //loop cycles through every word in file
                //FROM HERE
                if(k==0){       //check if at start of loop
                    start = System.currentTimeMillis();    //Start time used to calculate words per minute
                else if(k==(i-1)){      //check if at end of loop
                    end = System.currentTimeMillis();   //end time used to calculate words per minute
                    time = (end-start);     //time taken = end time - start time
                    wPM = (60/(time/1000))*i;     //words per minute = time in minutes * words read
                    System.out.println(i + " words in " + (time/1000) + "s" + " that's " + wPM + "wpm");    //print results in system dialog
                //TO HERE is just used to show how many words were read. Used to calculate how much pause to set.

                word[k] = in.next();        //get next word from file
                //Natural reading speeds and pauses attempt (needs research)
                if(word[k].length()>=5 && word[k].length()<=8) n = 100;     //short pause for words with 5-8 characters
                else if(word[k].length()>=9 && word[k].length()<=12) n = 150;   //medium pause for words with 9-12 characters
                else if(word[k].length()>12) n = 200;       //long pause for words over 12 characters
                for(int j=0; j<word[k].length(); j++){      //loop cycles through length of word
                    if(word[k].charAt(word[k].length()-1) == '.')   //Add pause after a full stop
                        n += 50;
                    if(word[k].charAt(word[k].length()-1) == ',')   //Add slight pause after a comma
                        n += 30;
                textPane.setText(word[k]);  //Set the word in the text pane to the word read from file
                sleep(pause+n);     //call sleep method to add a pause after the word. n adds custom pause
                n=0;            //n set back to 0 after each word

    private void sleep(int i) {     //Adds a pause between words. i changes length of pause
        try {
            Thread.sleep(i);        //sleep thread for pause+n milliseconds
        } catch(InterruptedException e) {   //exception needed for sleep
            //do nothing




Top Contributor
Für z. B. am Ende Deines Reader-Konstruktors vor guiFrame.setVisible(true) ein:
        JSpinner changeFontSize = new JSpinner(
                new SpinnerNumberModel(22, 10, 78, 2));

        changeFontSize.addChangeListener(new ChangeListener() {
            public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent e) {


Für z. B. am Ende Deines Reader-Konstruktors vor guiFrame.setVisible(true) ein:
        JSpinner changeFontSize = new JSpinner(
                new SpinnerNumberModel(22, 10, 78, 2));

        changeFontSize.addChangeListener(new ChangeListener() {
            public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent e) {
Super vielen Dank ^^
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