Neuronales Netz in Java und Probleme beim Konfigurieren

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ich mache von der Uni aus ein Projekt, in dem ein sehr großes Neuronales Netz trainiert werden muss (alles in allem 84000 in und outputunits) Vielleicht kann man mir nur helfen, wenn man Wissen über Künstlich Neuronale Netze besitzt, aber vielleicht kann man den Fehler allein aus dem Code erschließen. Ich bin leider zu schlecht in Java um den Fehler zu erschließen. Anyway...
Ich habe nun den Source Code eines Netzes, das bis jetzt folgendermaßen aussieht, es besitzt: 7 Input units, 2 Layer Hiddenunits mit a 10 units und 1 outputunit. Im Source code ist das folgendermaßen implementiert:
// create a multilayer perceptron with four layers:
		// one input layer with seven units; two hidden layers 
		// each with ten units, using tanh function;
		// one output layer with one unit using tanh function.
		// except for noofneurons, all parameters for the input layer
		// are ineffectual.
		int[] noofneurons = {7,10,10,1};
		double[] learnratecoeff = {1, 1, 1, 1};
		char[] axonfamily = {'t', 't', 't', 't'};
		double[] momentumrate = {0, .6, .5, .4};
		double[] flatness = {1, 1.2, 1.1, 1};

die unteren Angaben bedeuten die Lernrate, Momentum usw... Wenn ich nun die Anzahl der Hidden Units ändere ist das kein Problem, das Netz funktioniert weiterhin, aber sobald ich die Anzahl der In oder Outputunits ändere, auf sagen wir 7 input und 2 outputunits, lege ich dazu folgenden Inoput an:
Die ersten 7 stehen für den Inout und "2.234;-0.768" werden an den Output angelegt
Auf jeden Fall bekomme ich folgende Fehlermeldung:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 49305
        at PatternSet.<init>(
        at GoogleNet.main(
bei einer anderen Konfiguration der in oder outputunits habe ich aber auch schon diese Fehlermeldung bekommen:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 7
        at NeuralNet.FeedForward(
        at NeuralNet.Output(
        at NeuralNet.CrossValErrorRatio(
        at GoogleNet.main(
Da es sich hier um die drei Files ""; "" und" handelt, die anscheinend Probleme machen, habe ich diese unten angehängt.
public class GoogleNet {
	public static void main(String args[]) {
		int No = 1;

		Randomizer randomizer = new Randomizer();

		// create a multilayer perceptron with four layers:
		// one input layer with seven units; two hidden layers 
		// each with ten units, using tanh function;
		// one output layer with one unit using tanh function.
		// except for noofneurons, all parameters for the input layer
		// are ineffectual.
		int[] noofneurons = {7,2,2};
		double[] learnratecoeff = {1, 1, 1};
		char[] axonfamily = {'t', 't', 't'};
		double[] momentumrate = {0, .6, .4};
		double[] flatness = {1, 1.2, 1};
		System.out.println("Creating the net");
		NeuralNet mynet = new NeuralNet(noofneurons, learnratecoeff, axonfamily, momentumrate, flatness, randomizer);
		// Save the configuration to a file
		System.out.println("Saving the configuration");
		try{mynet.SaveConfig("example2.nnc");}catch(IOException e){}

		// create three pattern sets with 7 input and 1 output values.
		System.out.println("Loading patterns");
		// first create a pattern set for training
		PatternSet trainingpatterns = new PatternSet("example2_training.csv", 7, 1, 1, 0, 0, randomizer);
		// then create a pattern set for cross validation
		PatternSet crossvalpatterns = new PatternSet("example2_crossval.csv", 7, 1, 0, 1, 0, randomizer);
		// and then create a pattern set for testing
		PatternSet testpatterns = new PatternSet("example2_test.csv", 7, 1, 0, 0, 1, randomizer);

		// show the error ratio before training
		System.out.println("Error ratio before training: " + mynet.CrossValErrorRatio(crossvalpatterns) );

		// train the net using mini batch training
		System.out.println("Beginning mini batch training");
		double temp_err;
		temp_err = mynet.CrossValErrorRatio(crossvalpatterns);
		while (temp_err > .02) {
			System.out.println("Zyklen: " + No + " Training the net. Error ratio: " + temp_err );
			mynet.MinibatchTrainPatterns(trainingpatterns.trainingpatterns, .1, 20);
			temp_err = mynet.CrossValErrorRatio(crossvalpatterns);

		// or you can use incremental training:
		System.out.println("Beginning incremental training");
		double temp_err;
		temp_err = mynet.CrossValErrorRatio(crossvalpatterns);
		while (temp_err > .02) {
			System.out.println("Training the net. Error ratio: " + temp_err );
			mynet.IncrementalTrainPatterns(trainingpatterns.trainingpatterns, .01);
			temp_err = mynet.CrossValErrorRatio(crossvalpatterns);

		// finally, check the error using test data
		System.out.println("Error ratio of the test data: " + mynet.TestErrorRatio(testpatterns) );
		System.out.println("Training is over");
		// now that the training is over, save the weights of the net.
		System.out.println("Saving the weights\n");
		try{mynet.SaveWeights("example2.nnw");}catch(IOException e){}

		// clean up the objects
		trainingpatterns = null;
		crossvalpatterns = null;
		testpatterns = null;
		mynet = null;
		randomizer = null;
		// now recreate the net using previously saved data and
		// test it.
		// recreate the net
		randomizer = new Randomizer();
		System.out.println("Recreating the net");
		mynet = new NeuralNet("example2.nnc", randomizer);
		// and test it
		double[] inputs = {-19.5,0.5,-0.683,0.4615,-2.0055,-0.8145,-2.0305};
		System.out.println("Feeding the net using data taken from a female crab");
		double[] outputs = mynet.Output(inputs);
		if ( outputs[0] < 0 ) {
			System.out.println("Result: Male");
		else {
			System.out.println("Result: Female");

		mynet = null;
class PatternSet {

	Pattern[] patterns; // whole pattern set including all patterns
	Pattern[] trainingpatterns; // patterns to be used during training
	Pattern[] crossvalpatterns; // patterns to be used during cross validation
	Pattern[] testpatterns; // patterns to be used using testing
	double[] crossvaldeviations;
	double[] testdeviations;
	private Randomizer randomizer;

	// constructor.
	// parameters should sum to 1
	public PatternSet (String sourceFile, int noofinputs, int nooftargets, double ratiotraining, double ratiocrossval, double ratiotest, Randomizer randomizer) {
		// load patterns from the file
		// 1st determine how many patterns there are
		LineReader linereader = new LineReader(sourceFile);
		int counter = 0;
		double temp_double;
		while (linereader.NextLineSplitted()){
			try {
				// count numeric data only
				for ( int i = 0; i < (noofinputs + nooftargets); i++) {
					temp_double = Double.parseDouble(linereader.column[i]);
			catch (NumberFormatException e) {}
		linereader = null;
		patterns = new Pattern[counter];

		// then read each pattern and place it into the array
		double[] temp_in = new double[noofinputs];
		double[] temp_tar = new double[nooftargets];
		linereader = new LineReader(sourceFile);
		counter = 0;
		while (linereader.NextLineSplitted()){
			try { // count numeric data only
				for (int i = 0; i < noofinputs; i++) {
					temp_in[i] = Double.parseDouble(linereader.column[i]);
				for (int i = noofinputs; i < noofinputs+nooftargets; i++) {
					temp_tar[i-noofinputs] = Double.parseDouble(linereader.column[i]);
				patterns[counter++] = new Pattern(temp_in, temp_tar);
			catch (NumberFormatException e) {}
		linereader = null;
		// now determine the no. of training, cross val. and test patterns
		trainingpatterns = new Pattern[(int)(Math.round(patterns.length * ratiotraining))];
		crossvalpatterns = new Pattern[(int)(Math.round(patterns.length * ratiocrossval))];
		testpatterns = new Pattern[patterns.length - trainingpatterns.length - crossvalpatterns.length];
		int patterntoselect;
		int patternsnotselected = patterns.length;
		// first create training patterns
		for ( int i = 0; i < trainingpatterns.length; i++ ) {
			patterntoselect = randomizer.random.nextInt(patternsnotselected);
			counter = 0;
			for ( int j = 0; j < patterns.length; j++ ) {
				if ( !patterns[j].selected ) {
					if ( counter == patterntoselect ) {
						trainingpatterns[i] = patterns[j];
						patterns[j].selected = true;
		// then create cross validation patterns
		for ( int i = 0; i < crossvalpatterns.length; i++ ) {
			patterntoselect = randomizer.random.nextInt(patternsnotselected);
			counter = 0;
			for ( int j = 0; j < patterns.length; j++ ) {
				if ( !patterns[j].selected ) {
					if ( counter == patterntoselect ) {
						crossvalpatterns[i] = patterns[j];
						patterns[j].selected = true;
		// and then create test patterns
		for ( int i = 0; i < testpatterns.length; i++ ) {
			patterntoselect = randomizer.random.nextInt(patternsnotselected);
			counter = 0;
			for ( int j = 0; j < patterns.length; j++ ) {
				if ( !patterns[j].selected ) {
					if ( counter == patterntoselect ) {
						testpatterns[i] = patterns[j];
						patterns[j].selected = true;
		// and now switch all patterns as !selected, so that they are ready for training
		for ( int i = 0; i < patterns.length; i++ ) {
			patterns[i].selected = false;
		// calculate average deviations for cross val data as well as test data
		double[] averages = new double[nooftargets];
		crossvaldeviations = new double[nooftargets];
		testdeviations = new double[nooftargets];
		for (int i = 0; i < nooftargets; i++) {
			// first calculate crossval deviations
			averages[i] = 0;
			for (int j = 0; j < crossvalpatterns.length; j++) {
				averages[i] += crossvalpatterns[j].target[i];
			averages[i] /= crossvalpatterns.length;
			// now calculate deviations
			crossvaldeviations[i] = 0;
			for (int j = 0; j < crossvalpatterns.length; j++) {
				crossvaldeviations[i] += Math.abs(crossvalpatterns[j].target[i] - averages[i]);
			crossvaldeviations[i] = crossvaldeviations[i] * 2 / crossvalpatterns.length;
			// then calculate test deviations
			averages[i] = 0;
			for (int j = 0; j < testpatterns.length; j++) {
				averages[i] += testpatterns[j].target[i];
			averages[i] /= testpatterns.length;
			// now calculate deviations
			testdeviations[i] = 0;
			for (int j = 0; j < testpatterns.length; j++) {
				testdeviations[i] += Math.abs(testpatterns[j].target[i] - averages[i]);
			testdeviations[i] = testdeviations[i] * 2 / testpatterns.length;

und zuletzt:


public class NeuralNet {

	Neuron[] neurons;
	Synapse[] synapses;
	int nolayers; // no of layers, inc. input and output layers
	Layer[] layers;
	private Randomizer randomizer;
	// constructor
	// opens the configuration file and creates a net according to it.
	public NeuralNet (String path, Randomizer randomizer) {
		this.randomizer = randomizer;
		LineReader linereader = new LineReader(path);
		while (linereader.NextLineSplitted()){
			// if it declares # of objects, dimension the appropriate array
			if (linereader.column[0].compareTo("#neurons") == 0) { neurons = new Neuron[Integer.parseInt(linereader.column[1])]; }
			if (linereader.column[0].compareTo("#synapses") == 0) { synapses = new Synapse[Integer.parseInt(linereader.column[1])]; }
			// if it represents an input neuron, create a neuron object
			if (linereader.column[0].compareTo("i") == 0) { neurons[Integer.parseInt(linereader.column[1])] = new Neuron(Integer.parseInt(linereader.column[1])); }
			// if it represents a neuron, create a neuron object
			if (linereader.column[0].compareTo("n") == 0) { neurons[Integer.parseInt(linereader.column[1])] = new Neuron( Integer.parseInt(linereader.column[1]), Integer.parseInt(linereader.column[2]), Double.parseDouble(linereader.column[3]), linereader.column[4].charAt(0), Double.parseDouble(linereader.column[5]), Double.parseDouble(linereader.column[6]), randomizer ); }
			// if it represents a synapse, create a synapse object
			if (linereader.column[0].compareTo("s") == 0) { synapses[Integer.parseInt(linereader.column[1])] = 
				new Synapse(
				); }
		linereader = null;
		// first find out how many layers there are
		int temp_maxlayer = 0;
		for (int i = 0; i < neurons.length; i++) {
			if (neurons[i].layer > temp_maxlayer) {temp_maxlayer = neurons[i].layer;}
		nolayers = temp_maxlayer+1;
		// then create layer objects
		layers = new Layer[nolayers];
		for (int i = 0; i < nolayers; i++) {layers[i] = new Layer(i);}

	// another constructor. creates a MULTILAYER PERCEPTRON with 
	// given no. of layers, no of neurons, learning rates, momentum parameters,
	// axonfamilies, flatness. except for noofneurons, all parameters are
	// ineffectual for the first layer.
	public NeuralNet (int[] noofneurons, double[] learningratecoefficient, char[] axonfamily, double[] momentumrate, double[] axonfuncflatness, Randomizer randomizer) {
		this.randomizer = randomizer;
		int temp_nooflayers = noofneurons.length;
		nolayers = noofneurons.length;
		// determine the no of neurons and create the array
		int temp_noofneurons = 0;
		for ( int i = 0; i < temp_nooflayers; i++ ) {
			temp_noofneurons += noofneurons[i];
		neurons = new Neuron[temp_noofneurons];
		// determine the no of synapses and create the array
		int temp_noofsynapses = 0;
		for ( int i = 0; i < temp_nooflayers-1; i++ ) {
			temp_noofsynapses += noofneurons[i] * noofneurons[i+1];
		synapses = new Synapse[temp_noofsynapses];
		// instantiate neurons:
		int temp_neuronidcounter = 0;
		// first instantiate input neurons
		for ( int i = 0; i < noofneurons[0]; i++ ) {
			neurons[temp_neuronidcounter] = new Neuron(temp_neuronidcounter);
		// then instantiate hidden and output neurons
		for ( int i = 1; i < temp_nooflayers; i++ ) {
			for ( int j = 0; j < noofneurons[i]; j++ ) {
				neurons[temp_neuronidcounter] = new Neuron(temp_neuronidcounter, i, axonfuncflatness[i], axonfamily[i], momentumrate[i], learningratecoefficient[i], randomizer);
		// then create layer objects
		layers = new Layer[temp_nooflayers];
		for (int i = 0; i < temp_nooflayers; i++) {layers[i] = new Layer(i);}
		// instantiate synapses
		int temp_synapseidcounter = 0;
		for ( int i = 0; i < temp_nooflayers-1; i++) {
			for ( int j = 0; j < layers[i].neurons.length; j++ ) {
				for ( int k = 0; k < layers[i+1].neurons.length; k++ ) {
					synapses[temp_synapseidcounter++] = new Synapse(layers[i].neurons[j], layers[i+1].neurons[k], randomizer);

	// This method is used by constructors only.
	// It determines the incoming and outgoing neurons / synapses for each neuron 
	// and set them in the neuron. This information is to be used later during feed forward and back propagation.
	private void NeuronsInOut () {
		// and then create neuronsin, neuronsout, synapsesin, synapsesout arrays in the neuron objects
		// in order to determine relationships between neurons
		Neuron[] temp_neuronsin;
		Neuron[] temp_neuronsout;
		Synapse[] temp_synapsesin;
		Synapse[] temp_synapsesout;
		int incounter; int outcounter;
		for (int i = 0; i < neurons.length; i++) {
			// first determine the dimension of the arrays
			temp_neuronsin = null;
			temp_neuronsout = null;
			incounter = 0; outcounter = 0;
			for (int j = 0; j < synapses.length; j++) {
				if (synapses[j].sourceunit == neurons[i]) {outcounter++;}
				if (synapses[j].targetunit == neurons[i]) {incounter++;}
			temp_neuronsin = new Neuron[incounter];
			temp_synapsesin = new Synapse[incounter];
			temp_neuronsout = new Neuron[outcounter];
			temp_synapsesout = new Synapse[outcounter];
			// then fill each array
			incounter = 0; outcounter = 0;
			for (int j = 0; j < synapses.length; j++) {
				if (synapses[j].sourceunit == neurons[i]) {
					temp_neuronsout[outcounter] = synapses[j].targetunit;
					temp_synapsesout[outcounter++] = synapses[j];
				if (synapses[j].targetunit == neurons[i]) {
					temp_neuronsin[incounter] = synapses[j].sourceunit;
					temp_synapsesin[incounter++] = synapses[j];
			// set them in the neuron
			neurons[i].InsOuts(temp_neuronsin, temp_neuronsout, temp_synapsesin, temp_synapsesout);

	// saves the configuration of the net to a file
	public void SaveConfig (String path) throws IOException {
		File outputFile = new File(path);
		FileWriter out = new FileWriter(outputFile);
		out.write("// Input units:\n");
		// no of neurons
		out.write("// type;ID;layer;flatness;axonfamily;momentum;learningrate\n");
		// neurons
		for (int i = 0; i < neurons.length; i++) {
			if (neurons[i].layer == 0) {
			else {
		// synapses
		out.write("// type; ID; sourceunit; targetunit\n");
		for (int i = 0; i < synapses.length; i++) {

	// loads weights of the net from a file
	public void LoadWeights (String path) {
		LineReader linereader = new LineReader(path);
		while (linereader.NextLineSplitted()) {
			// if it's a synapse weight 
			if (linereader.column[0].compareTo("w") == 0) { synapses[Integer.parseInt(linereader.column[1])].weight = Double.parseDouble(linereader.column[2]); }
			// if it's a neuron threshold
			if (linereader.column[0].compareTo("t") == 0) { neurons[Integer.parseInt(linereader.column[1])].threshold = Double.parseDouble(linereader.column[2]); }
		linereader = null;
	// saves weights to a file
	public void SaveWeights (String path) throws IOException {
		File outputFile = new File(path);
		FileWriter out = new FileWriter(outputFile);
		// first write weight of each synapse
		for (int i = 0; i < synapses.length; i++) {
			out.write("w; "+i+"; "+synapses[i].weight+"\n");
		// then threshold of each neuron
		for (int i = 0; i < neurons.length; i++) {
			out.write("t; "+i+"; "+neurons[i].threshold+"\n");

	// feeds the network forward and updates all the neurons.
	public void FeedForward (double[] inputs) {
		// feed input values
		for (int i = 0; i < layers[0].neurons.length; i++) {
			layers[0].neurons[i].output = inputs[i];
		// begin from the first layer and propagate through layers.
		for (int i = 1; i < nolayers; i++) {
			// update the output of each neuron in this layer
			for (int j = 0; j < layers[i].neurons.length; j++) {
	// takes an array of input values, put them to the input neurons, feeds the net forward and returns the outputs of the output layer
	public double[] Output (double[] inputs) {
		double[] tempoutputs = new double[layers[nolayers-1].neurons.length];
		for(int i = 0; i < layers[nolayers-1].neurons.length; i++) {
			tempoutputs[i] = layers[nolayers-1].neurons[i].output;
		return tempoutputs;
	// calculates a std error for this net using given cross validation patterns 
	public double CrossValErrorRatio (PatternSet patternset) {
		int noofoutputunits = layers[nolayers-1].neurons.length;
		double[] abserrors = new double[noofoutputunits];
		for ( int i = 0; i < noofoutputunits; i++ ) { abserrors[i] = 0; }
		// calculate avg error for each neuron
		double errorratio = 0;
		double[] temp_output = new double[noofoutputunits];
		for (int j = 0; j < patternset.crossvalpatterns.length; j++) {
			temp_output = Output(patternset.crossvalpatterns[j].input);
			for (int i = 0; i < noofoutputunits; i++) {
				abserrors[i] += Math.abs( temp_output[i] - patternset.crossvalpatterns[j].target[i] );
		for (int i = 0; i < noofoutputunits; i++) {
			abserrors[i] /= patternset.crossvalpatterns.length;
			errorratio += ( abserrors[i] / patternset.crossvaldeviations[i] );
		errorratio /= noofoutputunits;
		return errorratio;

	// calculates a std error for this net using given test patterns
	public double TestErrorRatio (PatternSet patternset) {
		int noofoutputunits = layers[nolayers-1].neurons.length;
		double[] abserrors = new double[noofoutputunits];
		for ( int i = 0; i < noofoutputunits; i++ ) { abserrors[i] = 0; }
		// calculate avg error for each neuron
		double errorratio = 0;
		double[] temp_output = new double[noofoutputunits];
		for (int j = 0; j < patternset.testpatterns.length; j++) {
			temp_output = Output(patternset.testpatterns[j].input);
			for (int i = 0; i < noofoutputunits; i++) {
				abserrors[i] += Math.abs( temp_output[i] - patternset.testpatterns[j].target[i] );
		for (int i = 0; i < noofoutputunits; i++) {
			abserrors[i] /= patternset.testpatterns.length;
			errorratio += ( abserrors[i] / patternset.testdeviations[i] );
		errorratio /= noofoutputunits;
		return errorratio;

// Training methods Ø\_/Ø\_/Ø\_/Ø\_/Ø\_/Ø\_/Ø\_/Ø\_/Ø\_/Ø\_/Ø\_/Ø\_/Ø\_/Ø\_/Ø\_/Ø\_/Ø\_/

	// takes all patterns one by one (with random order) and trains the net
	// using each one.
	public void IncrementalTrainPatterns(Pattern[] patterns, double rate) {
		int patternsnottrained = patterns.length; // no of patterns used
		int patterntotrain;
		int indexofpatterntotrain = -1;
		int counter;
		// turn all "selected" flags off
		for (int i = 0; i < patterns.length; i++) {
			patterns[i].selected = false;
		for (int i = 0; i < patterns.length; i++) {
			patterntotrain = randomizer.random.nextInt(patternsnottrained);
			// find the index of the pattern to train
			counter = 0;
			for (int j = 0; j < patterns.length; j++) {
				if (!patterns[j].selected) {
					if (counter != patterntotrain) {
					else if (counter == patterntotrain) {
						indexofpatterntotrain = j;
			// train the net using the selected pattern
			IncrementalTrain(rate, patterns[indexofpatterntotrain]);
			patterns[indexofpatterntotrain].selected = true;
		// turn all "selected" flags off again
		for (int i = 0; i < patterns.length; i++) {
			patterns[i].selected = false;

	// trains the net incrementally.
	public void IncrementalTrain(double rate, Pattern pattern) {
		// feed fw
		// train the output layer first
		for (int j = 0; j < layers[nolayers-1].neurons.length; j++) {
		// train hidden layers
		for (int i = nolayers-2; i > 0; i--) {
			for (int j = 0; j < layers[i].neurons.length; j++) {
	// selects patterns (quantity: nopatterns) randomly and trains the net using those patterns.
	// repeats this until all patterns in the pattern array have been used for training
	public void MinibatchTrainPatterns(Pattern[] patterns, double rate, int nopatterns) {
		int patternsnottrained = patterns.length; // no of patterns used
		if (nopatterns > patterns.length) {nopatterns = patterns.length;}
		if (nopatterns < 1) {nopatterns = 1;}
		int patterntotrain;
		int noofpatternsselected;
		Pattern[] patternsselected;
		int indexofpatterntotrain = -1;
		int[] indexesofpatternstotrain = new int[nopatterns];
		int counter;
		// turn all "selected" flags off
		for (int i = 0; i < patterns.length; i++) {
			patterns[i].selected = false;

		while ( patternsnottrained > 0 ) {
			// choose patterns to be used for training and put them in the temp. pattern array
			noofpatternsselected = 0;
			while ( noofpatternsselected < nopatterns && patternsnottrained > 0 ) {
				patterntotrain = randomizer.random.nextInt(patternsnottrained);
				// find the index of the pattern to be used
				counter = 0;
				for (int i = 0; i < patterns.length; i++) {
					if (!patterns[i].selected) {
						if (counter != patterntotrain) {
						else if (counter == patterntotrain) {
							indexofpatterntotrain = i;
				indexesofpatternstotrain[noofpatternsselected-1] = indexofpatterntotrain;
				patterns[indexofpatterntotrain].selected = true;
			// train the net using the temp. pattern array
			patternsselected = null;
			patternsselected = new Pattern[noofpatternsselected];
			for (int i = 0; i < noofpatternsselected; i++) {
				patternsselected[i] = patterns[indexesofpatternstotrain[i]];
			BatchTrainPatterns( patternsselected, rate);
		// turn all "selected" flags off again
		for (int i = 0; i < patterns.length; i++) {
			patterns[i].selected = false;

	// trains the net using batch training
	// takes a number of patterns
	public void BatchTrainPatterns(Pattern[] patterns, double rate) {
		for (int i = 0; i < patterns.length; i++) {
			BatchTrain(rate, patterns[i]);
		// update weights using cumulative values obtained during batch training
		for  ( int i = 0; i < neurons.length; i++ ) {

	// trains the net using batch training
	// takes only one pattern
	public void BatchTrain(double rate, Pattern pattern) {
		// feed fw
		// train the output layer first
		for (int j = 0; j < layers[nolayers-1].neurons.length; j++) {
		// train hidden layers
		for (int i = nolayers-2; i > 0; i--) {
			for (int j = 0; j < layers[i].neurons.length; j++) {
// Ø\_/Ø\_/Ø\_/Ø\_/Ø\_/Ø\_/Ø\_/Ø\_/Ø\_/Ø\_/Ø\_/Ø\_/Ø\_/Ø\_/Ø\_/Ø\_/Ø\_/Ø\_/Ø\_/

	// represents an array of neurons belonging to the same layer.
	class Layer {
		Neuron[] neurons;
		// constructs a layer object
		public Layer(int layerno) {
			int counter = 0;
			// see how many neurons there are in this layer
			for (int i = 0; i < NeuralNet.this.neurons.length; i++) {
				if (NeuralNet.this.neurons[i].layer == layerno) {counter++;}
			// create an array of neurons
			this.neurons = new Neuron[counter];
			// place neurons
			counter = 0; 
			for (int i = 0; i < NeuralNet.this.neurons.length; i++) {
				if (NeuralNet.this.neurons[i].layer == layerno) {
					this.neurons[counter++] = NeuralNet.this.neurons[i];


Füre jedwede Hilfe wäre ich ungemein dankbar...
Viele Grüße,

hab noch etwas vergessen...
wenn jemand das Netz zum testen selber laufen lassen will, hier die restlichen Files

// this class reads one line at a time and returns it as a string
public class LineReader
	String[] column;
	FileInputStream fis;
	BufferedInputStream bis;
	// constructor
	public LineReader (String path) {
		try {
			fis = new FileInputStream(path);
			bis = new BufferedInputStream(fis);
		catch (IOException e) {}
		this.inputFile = new File(path);
		try {in = new FileReader(inputFile);} catch (IOException e) {}

	// read the next line, split it and return the parts as a string array
	public boolean NextLineSplitted () {
		column = null;
		column = NextLine().split(";");
		if (column[0] != "#EOF#") {
			for (int i = 0; i < column.length; i++) {
				column[i] = column[i].trim();
			return true;
		else{return false;}
	// read the next line, return the line as string
	public String NextLine() {
		int i;
		char[] temp_array = new char[50000];
		char[] temp_array2;
		boolean last_line;
		int counter;
		String temp_line = "";
		do {
			temp_array2 = null;
			counter = 0;
			last_line = true;
			// read a line
			try {
				while ( (i = != -1 ) {
					last_line = false;
					if (i == 13 || i == 10) {
					else if( i != 10 && i != 13) {
						temp_array[counter++] = (char)i;
			catch (IOException e) {}
			// put the array into a string
			if (last_line) {
				temp_line = "#EOF#";
			else if (counter != 0) {
				temp_array2 = new char[counter];
				boolean all_spaces = true;
				for (int j = 0; j < counter; j++) {
					if (temp_array[j] != ' ') {all_spaces = false;}
					temp_array2[j] = temp_array[j];
				if (all_spaces) {temp_line = "";}
				else {temp_line = new String(temp_array2);}
				if (temp_line.length() >= 2 && temp_line.charAt(0) == '/' && temp_line.charAt(1) == '/') {
					temp_line = "";
			else {
				temp_line = "";

		} while (temp_line == "");
		return temp_line.trim();
public class Neuron {

	public int id; // to be used in saveconfig method
	public double threshold;
	private double prevthreshold;
	public int layer;
	public double output;
	public char axonfamily; // logistic? hyperbolic tangent? linear?
	protected double momentumrate;
	protected double axonfuncflatness; // if the axon func. is a curve like sigmoid, this indicates the flatness paramater.
	protected double learningratecoefficient; // i.e.: if the learning rate is .1 and this value is 1.5, actual learning rate will be .1 * 1.5 = .15
	public Neuron[] neuronsout; // array of neurons which take this neuron's output. To be used during back propagation
	public Neuron[] neuronsin; // array of neurons from which this neuron takes outputs. To be used during feedforward
	public Synapse[] synapsesout; // array of synapses which take this neuron's output. To be used during back propagation
	public Synapse[] synapsesin; // array of synapses from which this neuron takes outputs. To be used during feedforward
	protected double error; // to be used during bp.
	protected double cumulthresholddiff; // cumulate changes in threshold here during batch training

	// constructor for input neurons
	public Neuron (int id) { = id;
		this.layer = 0;
	// another constructor
	public Neuron (int id, int layer, double axonfuncflatness, char axonfamily, double momentumrate, double learningratecoefficient, Randomizer randomizer) {
		output = 0;
		this.axonfamily = axonfamily;
		threshold = randomizer.Uniform(-1,1);
		prevthreshold = threshold; = id;
		this.layer = layer;
		this.momentumrate = momentumrate;
		this.axonfuncflatness = axonfuncflatness;
		this.learningratecoefficient = learningratecoefficient;
		cumulthresholddiff = 0;

	// this method constructs neuronin and neuronout arrays in order to determine the relationships of this neuron with others.
	// should be called during the construction of the net
	public void InsOuts (Neuron[] neuronsin, Neuron[] neuronsout, Synapse[] synapsesin, Synapse[] synapsesout) {
		this.neuronsin = neuronsin;
		this.neuronsout = neuronsout;
		this.synapsesin = synapsesin;
		this.synapsesout = synapsesout;

	// updates the output and the activation according to the inputs
	public void UpdateOutput () {
		// first sum inputs and find the activation
		double activation = 0;
		for (int i = 0; i < neuronsin.length; i++) {
			activation += neuronsin[i].output * synapsesin[i].weight;
		activation += -1 * threshold;
		// calculate the output using the activation function of this neuron
		switch (axonfamily) {
			case 'g': // logistic
				output = 1 / ( 1 + Math.exp( - activation / axonfuncflatness ) );
			case 't': // hyperbolic tangent (tanh)
				output = ( 2 / ( 1 + Math.exp( - activation / axonfuncflatness ) ) ) - 1;
				/* // alternatively,
				double temp = Math.exp( 2 * ( activation / axonfuncflatness ) ) ; // so that the computation is faster
				output = ( temp - 1 ) / ( temp + 1 );
			case 'l': // linear
				output = activation;

// Incremantal train ------------------------------------------

	// trains the output neurons using incremental training
	public void OutputIncrementalTrain (double rate, double target) {
		this.error = (target - output) * Derivative();

	// trains the hidden neurons using incremental training
	public void HiddenIncrementalTrain (double rate) {
		// first compute the error
		double temp_diff = 0;
		for (int i = 0; i < neuronsout.length; i++) {
			temp_diff += neuronsout[i].error * synapsesout[i].prevweight;
		error = temp_diff * Derivative();

	// updates weights according to the error
	private void IncrementalUpdateWeights (double rate) {
		double temp_weight;
		for (int i = 0; i < synapsesin.length; i++) {
			temp_weight = synapsesin[i].weight;
			synapsesin[i].weight += (rate * learningratecoefficient * error * neuronsin[i].output) + ( momentumrate * ( synapsesin[i].weight - synapsesin[i].prevweight ) );
			synapsesin[i].prevweight = temp_weight;
			if (synapsesin[i].cumulweightdiff != 0) {synapsesin[i].cumulweightdiff = 0;}
		temp_weight = threshold;
		threshold += ( rate * learningratecoefficient * error * -1 ) + ( momentumrate * ( threshold - prevthreshold ) );
		prevthreshold = temp_weight;
		if (cumulthresholddiff != 0) {cumulthresholddiff = 0;}

// Batch train ------------------------------------------------

	// trains the output neurons using batch training
	public void OutputBatchTrain (double rate, double target) {
		this.error = (target - output) * Derivative();

	// trains the hidden neurons using batch training
	public void HiddenBatchTrain (double rate) {
		// first compute the error
		double temp_diff = 0;
		for (int i = 0; i < neuronsout.length; i++) {
			temp_diff += neuronsout[i].error * synapsesout[i].weight;
		error = temp_diff * Derivative();

	// cumulates weights according to the error
	private void BatchCumulateWeights (double rate) {
		double temp_diff;
		for (int i = 0; i < synapsesin.length; i++) {
			synapsesin[i].cumulweightdiff += rate * learningratecoefficient * error * neuronsin[i].output;
		cumulthresholddiff += rate * learningratecoefficient * error * -1;

	// updates weights according to the cumulated weights
	public void BatchUpdateWeights (int noofepochs) {
		double temp_weight;
		for (int i = 0; i < synapsesin.length; i++) {
			temp_weight = synapsesin[i].weight;
			synapsesin[i].weight +=  ( synapsesin[i].cumulweightdiff / noofepochs ) + ( momentumrate * ( synapsesin[i].weight - synapsesin[i].prevweight ) );
			synapsesin[i].prevweight = temp_weight;
			synapsesin[i].cumulweightdiff = 0;
		temp_weight = threshold;
		threshold += ( cumulthresholddiff / noofepochs )  + ( momentumrate * ( threshold - prevthreshold ) );
		prevthreshold = temp_weight;
		cumulthresholddiff = 0;
// ------------------------------------------------------------

	// returns the value of the derivative of the activation function for the last activation value
	public double Derivative () {
		double temp_derivative;
		switch (axonfamily) {
			case 'g': // logistic
				temp_derivative = ( output * ( 1 - output ) ) / axonfuncflatness; break;
			case 't': // hyperbolic tangent
				temp_derivative = ( 1 - Math.pow( output , 2 ) ) / ( 2 * axonfuncflatness ); break;
				// temp_derivative = Math.pow( ( 2 / ( Math.exp(activation / axonfuncflatness ) + Math.exp( - activation / axonfuncflatness ) ) ) ,2 ) / axonfuncflatness; break;
			case 'l': // linear
				temp_derivative = 1; break;
			default: temp_derivative = 0; break;
		return temp_derivative;

class Pattern {
	public double[] input;
	public double[] target;
	public boolean selected;
	// constructor
	public Pattern (double[] temp_inputs, double[] temp_targets) {
		input = new double[temp_inputs.length];
		target = new double[temp_targets.length];
		for ( int i = 0; i < temp_inputs.length; i++) {
			input[i] = temp_inputs[i];
		for ( int i = 0; i < temp_targets.length; i++) {
			target[i] = temp_targets[i];
		selected = false;
import java.util.Random;

public class Randomizer {

	public Random random;

	// constructor using system clock
	public Randomizer () {
		random = new Random();

	// constructor using seed
	public Randomizer ( long seed ) {
		random = new Random(seed);

	// Method to generate a uniformly distributed value between two values
	public double Uniform (double min, double max) { // throws ...
		return ( random.nextDouble() * (max - min) ) + min;

public class Synapse
	public double weight;
	public double prevweight; // to be used during bp
	public double cumulweightdiff; // cumulate changes in weight here during batch training	
	public Neuron sourceunit;
	public Neuron targetunit;
	// constructor
	public Synapse (Neuron sourceunit, Neuron targetunit, Randomizer randomizer)
		this.sourceunit = sourceunit;
		this.targetunit = targetunit;
		cumulweightdiff = 0;
		weight = randomizer.Uniform(-1,1);
		prevweight = weight;

is ne ganze Menge, ich weiß... :-(



die fehlermeldungen sagen doch aus wo der fehler liegt dein index ist ausserhalb der array grenzen ;)

du musst nur an die zeile gehen wo der fehler aufgetreten ist und mal nachsehen ob zumbeispiel:

int test[]={3,2,5,6,3};

test das i noch innerhalb der festgelegten größe des arrays ist wenn dein array nur 5 plätze hat 0 bis 4 dann kommt diese exception wenn i= 5 oder mehr ist

genauso wenn du einen wert an eine stelle in ein feld schreiben willst die es nicht gibt also test[8]= 5; -> fehler

gruß thanni
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